Industry is increasingly demanding coordination support for adaptive process structures consisting of large collections of autonomous, interacting processes. Engineering a car, for example, requires the coordination of development processes for hundreds of car components across organizational borders. Each of these development processes itself comprises a number of interdependent processes for designing, testing, and releasing the respective component. Usually, the resulting process structure becomes very large and is characterized by a strong relation with the assembly of the product. A particular challenge of any collective adaptive process-aware system supporting this kind of scenario is to allow for dynamic adaptations of single autonomous processes, while preservering the consistency of its interactions with other dependent processes. This keynote talk will discuss the challenges emerging in this context. Further, it will give insights into advanced techniques tackling these challenges and enabling advanced support for collective, adaptive and process-aware systems.
Collective Adaptive Process-Aware Systems: Challenges, Scenarios, Techniques
Universität Ulm Universität Ulm
Invited keynote at the Int'l Workshop on Business Processes in Collective Adaptive Systems (BPCAS'14) in the scope of BPM'14; Manfred Reichert, Haifa, Israel, 8 September 2014, 3:30 pm