Chinese food and the Compliance

Universität Ulm

Gastvortrag, Ping Gong, Ort: O27/5202, Datum: 17.05.2015, Zeit: 11:30 Uhr

Food is one of the most interesting topics when people from all over the world meet. It is a really good starting point in order to get to know each other, since food and culture are closely related.


Therefore, after a brief personal introduction, our new guest scientist Gong Ping will present some typical and special Chinese food and discuss differences between the German and Chinese food culture.


In addition to these intercultural issues, Gong Ping's talk will address the research questions that he will investigate during his one-year stay in Ulm. In particular, his research will focus on techniques and methods ensuring Business Process Compliance.


Note that the results of his research might be applicable not only in the context of classic business processes but also in the context Chinese and German food preparation processes.