Applying Usability Engineering Methods for the Development of a Bibliometric Platform

Universität Ulm

BA Abschlussvortrag, Annalena Kammerer, Ort: Online, Datum: 09.06.2021, Zeit: 10:45 Uhr

Finding relevant information on the Internet is often challenging. This problem is even more severe for researchers and scientists as their work depends on reliable and scientifically proven data. Therefore, platforms like Google Scholar, Web of Science and Scopus have been introduced with the purpose of providing a widely ranged and always up-to-date collection of scientific publications. The latter two also offer the functionality of citation analysis for more in depth quality assessment of publications.
Since there are numerous websites and research platforms offering different sets of functionalities, multiple sources have to be considered in order to assess the quality of a publication adequately or to find related work.
The goal of this thesis is to develop a concept for a new bibliometric platform, which combines a basic search engine with adequate bibliometric analyses and visualizations. Consequently, it includes functionalities a researcher or scientist needs to simplify his or her respective workflow.
Following, the needs of the user group are incorporated into the planning process. Therefore, usability methods are applied to identify preferences and dislikes as well as the current workflow of the user group. Based on the identified requirements, a concept for a bibliometric platform is created.