Non-invasive Brain-Computer Interfaces are already commercially available for private use. More non-invasive and invasive Brain-Computer Interfaces are currently under development. With the commercialization of neurotechnologies allowing monitoring and stimulation of the brain, a consideration of the ethical concerns is obligatory. This thesis consists of two parts. The first part contains an introduction to the topic, the history and the application areas of BCIs, and a presentation of the existing and planned brain-related neurotechnologies for commercial use. In the second part, a systematic literature review on the ethical and moral aspects of the commercialization of Brain-Computer Interfaces is conducted. For this approach, three different databases are used for the retrieval: EMBASE, MEDLINE, and Web of Science Core Collection. A total number of 35 papers remained for the final analysis. These 35 papers were analyzed to identify the exact ethical aspects discussed in the papers. The analysis revealed 55 ethical aspects. Besides the detailed description of several ethical aspects, some researchers’ suggestions on regulating BCIs were included in this thesis. Furthermore, some additional ethical concerns regarding possible future BCIs, which were not explicitly mentioned in the reviewed literature, have also been addressed. The thesis finalizes with a "Discussion" and a "Conclusion."
Analysis of ethical and moral principles of existing and future neurotechnologies
Universität Ulm Universität Ulm
MA Abschlussvortrag, Ünzüle Kirindi-Hentschel, Ort: Online, Datum: 13.06.2022, Zeit: 15:00 Uhr