Although the popularity of activity-centric process management systems (PrMS) has increased during the last decade, there still exist business processes that cannot be adequately supported by these PrMS. A common characteristic of these processes, which is neglected by current activity-centric PrMS, is their need for object-awareness; i.e., the explicit processing of business data and business objects respectively. In the PHILharmonicFlows project, characteristic properties of object-aware processes were identified and an advanced framework for their proper support was designed. In this demo session, we present a proof-of-concept prototype implementing some of the fundamental concepts of the PHILharmonicFlows framework. Overall, this initiative will result in a new generation of process management technology.
A Tool for Supporting Object-Aware Processes
Universität Ulm Universität Ulm
Presentation at the Demo Session of the 18th Int'l IEEE Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC'14);
Carolina Chiao, Ulm, Germany, September 01, 2014, 05:30 pm