Most of the time, clinical data is still collected using paper-based questionnaires, even though this traditional approach has several limitations compared to electronic data collection. For example, the digitization and analysis of collected data is very time-consuming and labor-intensive. The QuestionSys project aims to solve most of these problems by providing a sophisticated framework. The latter supports the complete digital data collection process, including the creation, deployment, execution, analysis and archiving of the questionnaires. At different times, collected data of a questionnaire has to be analyzed and evaluated. For example, collected data already has to be evaluated during execution of the questionnaire, in order to determine the further course of the questionnaire. Furthermore, it has to be evaluated after the questionnaire is completed. In order to make the evaluation of the data possible within the QuestionSys framework, questionnaires can contain rules, which have to be evaluated with regard to the collected data. For the purpose of evaluating these rules, a rule evaluation engine was developed. This engine has to deal with different problems regarding the evaluation of expressions during execution time. For example, collected data has to be successfully linked to the rules and possible code injections within this data have to be eliminated.
A Generic Engine Allowing an Automatic Evaluation of Data Collection Instruments
Universität Ulm Universität Ulm
BA Abschlussvortrag, Pascal Kühner, Ort: O27/545, Datum: 10.11.2018, Zeit: 10:00 Uhr