- Zukunftsszenarien – “Für die Welt sorgen … beim Einzelnen beginnen“ – geliehen von J&J
- Energy Technologies, Materials Sciences
Project lead
- Go4Hy2-Project and Project Consortium
- HighV-Project and Project Consortium
- EnaBle-Project
since 04/2019 | Ulm University, Germany |
01/2014 – 03/2019 | Consultant R&D (freelance) and Lecturer at Ulm University of Applied Sciences, Germany
09/2013 – 01/2014 | Consultant Programme Management, SIEMENS AG, Germany Execution of the Green Syntheses / Hybrid Gasification project with an external partner for the operation of major industrial sites (Infraserv, Hoechst site, Frankfurt am Main (Germany)) |
10/2009 - 09/2013 | R&D Consultant / Project lead for Materials Development in R&D projects and Heat Recovery, SIEMENS AG, Germany Advising internal R&D working groups and external partners in development projects on ceramic and ceramic-metal functional layers and materials for energy storage Innovation and expediting applications to have inventions registered prior to their subsequently being patented Project acquisition and execution of a beacon project “Thermal Management” including various Siemens divisions and recording new business opportunities |
02/2007 – 01/2010 | Consultant for the Energy division's CTO office and Strategic Marketing Technology, SIEMENS AG, Germany Representing Siemens AG in the Energy Technologies 2050 project organised by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) requiring a strategic focus: Member of the core team in the Pictures of the Future project run by the PTD division (power transmission and distribution) |
12/2002 – 07/2011 | Group Leader - development of a high temperature fuel cell (SOFC) and Research Engineer for innovation, raw materials, cost reduction, SIEMENS AG, Germany |
01/2001 – 11/2002 | Research Engineer for Membrane Development, SIEMENS AG, Germany |
01/1997 – 12/2000 | Doctoral Thesis and Scientific Officer, Friedrich-ALEXANDER-UNIVERSITY (FAU), Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Institute of Glass and Ceramics, Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany @ Thesis: Analysis and optimization of significant process parameters in tape casting porous and dense substrates for solid oxide fuel cells Analyse und Optimierung entscheidender Prozeßparameter beim Foliengießen von porösen und dichten Substraten für den Einsatz in der Hochtemperatur-Brennstoffzelle, Shaker Verlag, 2001 Projects: Client: Torrecid, Castellón (Spain), Cost-effective manufacture of large-scale tiles Client: Shell Solar/H.C. Starck (UK/Germany), Planar carriers made from silicon carbide for thin-film solar cells Client: Research Centre Juelich (Germany), Tape casting of anode substrates for the SOFC |
06/1999 – 11/1999 | Research placement at MIT, Boston (USA) @ Topic: Development of an optical measuring apparatus for measuring drying ceramic and polymer films |
Ch. Bauer, I. Becker:
Method for manufacturing storage structure of cell of e.g. rechargeable oxide battery in pumping storage power station, involves filling fibrous mat made of refractory material with active storage material, and rolling up fibrous mat
Anmelder: Siemens AG; Erfindungsmeldung DE 102012202974, Anmeldungstag: 28.02.2012
Ch. Bauer, I. Becker:
Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Speicherstruktur eines elektrischen Energiespeichers
Anmelder: Siemens AG; Erfindungsmeldung DE 102012202978, Anmeldungstag: 28.02.2012
Ch. Bauer, I. Becker:
Method for manufacturing memory structure for rechargeable oxide battery, involves forming foam structure from refractory material by foaming and freeze casting ceramic slurry and infiltrating foam structure with active memory material
Anmelder: Siemens AG; Erfindungsmeldung DE 102012202997, Anmeldungstag: 28.02.2012
Ch. Bauer, M. Baldauf, S. Blendinger:
Latent heat storage module for fluid flow, particularly for producing phase transition of phase transition material, has package formed of heat storage elements that are arranged adjacent to one another with phase transition material
Anmelder: Siemens AG; Erfindungsmeldung DE 102011080668, Anmeldungstag: 09.08.2011
Ch. Bauer, M. Baldauf, S. Blendinger:
Anmelder: Siemens AG; Erfindungsmeldung DE 102011080670, Anmeldungstag: 09.08.2011
Ch. Bauer, C. Schillig:
Means for sealing and connecting elements consisting of ceramic materials with different thermal expansion coefficients, method for the production thereof, and use of the same in an fuel cell installation
Anmelder: Siemens AG; Erfindungsmeldung WO2008031841, Anmeldungstag: 12.09.2007
Ch. Bauer, C. Schillig:
Sealant for high-temperature fuel cells, has gas solder which forms moulded body, which adjusts form of gap in fuel cell and is inserted in gap
Anmelder: Siemens AG; Erfindungsmeldung DE 20071043365, Anmeldungstag: 12.09.2007
Ch. Bauer, H. Greiner, C. Schillig:
Sealant for high-temperature fuel cells and method for the production thereof
Anmelder: Siemens AG; Erfindungsmeldung WO2008031518 (A1), Anmeldungstag: 05.09.2007
Ch. Bauer, H. Greiner, W. Lager, H. Landes, R. Leinfelder:
Anode for a solid oxide fuel cell is made from a base material consisting of a cermet containing a nickel phase as metallic catalytically active component provided with a partially or completely closed covering layer
Anmelder: Siemens AG; Erfindungsmeldung DE 10 2004 050 087 A1, Anmeldungstag: 14.10.2004
Ch. Bauer, H. Schichl:
Anode used in solid electrolyte fuel cell has a base material made from a cermet with palladium or palladium alloys as the catalytic component
Anmelder: Siemens AG; Erfindungsmeldung DE 10163 013 A1, Anmeldungstag: 20.12.2001
D. Simwonis, Ch. Lutz, A. Roosen, A. Schirbach, H.-P. Buchkremer, D.Stöver:
Making porous planar anode substrate for high temperature fuel cell by ceramic slip film casting, involves adding combustible filler to coarse and fine powder mixture
Anmelder: Forschungszentrum Jülich; Erfindungsmeldung DE10031123 A1, Anmeldetag: 30.06.2000
D. Simwonis, Ch. Bauer, A. Roosen, F. Tietz, H.-P. Buchkremer, D. Stöver:
Method for producing an electrode that has a temperature-stabilized conductivity
Anmelder: Forschungszentrum Jülich; Erfindungsmeldung DE100 31 102 A1, Anmeldetag: 30.06.2000
Ch. Lutz, A. Roosen, D. Simwonis, A. Schirbach, H.-P. Buchkremer, D. Stöver:
Verfahren zum Herstellen durchgehend poröser Substrate durch Foliengießen keramischer Schlicker
Anmelder: Forschungszentrum Jülich; Feb. 2000; dt. Patentamt
Ch. Lutz, A. Roosen, F. Tietz, H.-P. Buchkremer, D. Stöver:
Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Elektrode mit temperaturbeständiger Leitfähigkeit
Anmelder: Forschungszentrum Jülich; März 2000; dt. Patentamt
P. Hoenicke, D. Gosh, A. Muhandes, S. Bhattacharya, C. Bauer, J. Kallo, C. Willich, “Power Management Control and Delivery Module for a Hybrid-electric Aircraft using Fuel Cell and Battery”, in press, Energy Conversion & Management
J. Schröter, T. Graf, D. Frank, C. Bauer, J. Kallo, C. Willich, “Influence of pressure losses on compressor performance in a pressurized fuel cell air supply system for airplane applications”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 46, Issue 40, Pages 21151-21159, 2021
M. Wietschel, M. Arens, C. Dötsch, S. Herkel, W. Krewitt, P. Markewitz, D. Möst, M. Scheufen:
Industriepartner: E-ON Energie AG: P. Radgen; Siemens AG: Ch. Bauer, D.W. Branston; RWE AG: F. Schulte
Energietechnologien 2050 - Schwerpunkte für Forschung und Entwicklung
Hrsg.: Fraunhofer ISI, Karlsruhe; 2010, 1050 S., Fraunhofer Verlag ISBN 978-3-8396-0102-0
M. Wietschel, M. Arens, C. Dötsch, S. Herkel, W. Krewitt, P. Markewitz, D. Möst, M. Scheufen:
Industriepartner: E-ON Energie AG: P. Radgen; Siemens AG: Ch. Bauer, D.W. Branston; RWE AG: F. Schulte
Energietechnologien 2050 - Politikbericht
Hrsg.: Fraunhofer ISI, Karlsruhe; 2010, 190 S., Fraunhofer Verlag ISBN 978-3-8396-0084-9
Ch. Bauer (Lutz), M. Cima, A. Dellert, A. Roosen:
Stress Development During Drying of Aqueous Zirconia Based Tape Casting
Slurries Measured by Transparent Substrate Deflection Method
J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 92 (2009) 1178-1185
C. Schillig, Ch. Bauer, H. Greiner, A. Roosen:
Composite materials for solid oxide fuel cells
In Proceedings 6th International Conference on High Temperature Ceramic
Matrix Composites, Neu-Delhi, Indien, Sept. 2008
C. Schillig, C. Bauer (Lutz), B. Durschang, H. Greiner, A. Roosen, A. Rüdinger:
Glaslote als Fügematerial im SOFC-Generator
cfi/Ber. DKG 82 (2005) No. 13, 205-207
Ch. Bauer, H. Greiner, H. Landes, R. Leinfelder, A. Roosen, C. Schillig:
Development of SOFC anodes for internal reforming of methane
In Proc. of the 9th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, S.C.
Singhal, J. Mizusaki (eds), The Electrochemical Society, Inc., Pennington, NJ, USA,
2005, pp. 1304-1308
B. Bitterlich, C. Lutz, A. Roosen:
Rheological characterization of water-based slurries for the tape casting process
Ceramics International 28 (2002) 675-683
W.A. Meulenberg, J. Mertens, Ch. Lutz, A. Roosen, H.-P. Buchkremer, D. Stöver:
Tape Casting and Characterisation of Anode Substrates for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
in Materials Week and Materialica 2001, Advanced Ceramic Materials, Tagungsband,
Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 2001
S. Reber, Ch. Lutz, H.J. Pohlmann, A. Eyer, F. Faller, A. Roosen
Simultaneous Infiltration and Recrystallization of SiSiC Ceramics for Crystalline Silicon Thin-Film Solar Cells
in 28th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, Sept. 15th - 22nd,
2000, p. 146
B. Bitterlich, Ch. Lutz, A. Roosen:
Preparation of Planar SOFC-Components via Tape Casting of Aqueous Systems, Lamination and Cofiring
in Ceramic Materials and Components for Engines, J.G. Heinrich, F. Aldinger
(eds.), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 2001, 51-56
B. Bitterlich, Ch. Lutz, A. Roosen:
Rheology of Water Based Tape Casting Slurries
in Euromat´99, Vol. 12, Ceramics-Processing, G. Müller (ed.), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 2000, pp. 167-172
Ch. Lutz, A. Roosen, D. Simwonis, H.-P. Buchkremer, D. Stöver:
Tape Casting of a Porous Anode Substrate for the SOFC
in Ceramic Transactions Vol. 109: Processing and Characterization of Electrochemical Materials and Devices, P.N. Kumta, A. Manthiram, S.K. Sundaram, Y.M Chiang (eds.),
The Amer. Ceram. Soc., Columbus, Ohio, USA, 2000, pp.143-152
Ch. Lutz, A. Roosen, D. Simwonis, H.-P. Buchkremer, A. Naoumidis:
Foliengießen eines porösen Anodensubstrates für die Hochtemperatur-Brennstoffzelle
in Werkstoffwoche ´98, Vol. 3, Werkstoffe für die Energietechnik, A. Kranzmann and
U. Gramberg (eds.), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 1999, pp. 155-160
Ch. Lutz, A. Roosen:
Aqueous Tape Casting of Thin Electrolyte Substrates
in Proc. 9th Cimtec-World Ceramics Congress, Ceramics: Getting into the 2000´s - Part B: Advances in Science and Technology, P. Vincencini (ed.) Techna Srl, Faenza, Italy, 1999, pp. 419-426
Ch. Lutz, N. Ilie, A. Roosen
Einbeziehung des Benetzungsverhaltens in keramische Prozess-Entwicklungen am Beispiel des Foliengießens
in Kurzreferate der DKG-Jahrestagung 1998, DKG, Köln, 1998, pp. 50-52
Ch. Lutz, A. Roosen:
Wetting Behavior of Tape Casting Slurries on Tape Carriers
in Ceramic Transactions Vol. 83, Ceramic Processing Science, G.L. Messing, F.F. Lange,
S. Hirano (eds.), The Amer. Ceram. Soc., Columbus, Ohio, USA, 1998, pp.163-170

Raum | 47.2.245 |
Tel: | +49 (0)731 5021414 |
Fax: | +49 (0)731 5025549 |
Mail: | christiane.bauer(at) |