Colloquium Cognitive Systems

The Cognitive Systems Colloquium is an interdisciplinary series of presentations from leading researchers in the field who provide insights into their latest scientific developments. Its goal is to provide a general overview by sampling different perspectives from this new and quickly developing research field. The colloquium is open to all researchers and students interested in these topics.

17.10.2024   Prof. Dr. Antje Nuthmann (Kiel University)
Title: Understanding Visual Search: From Simple Display to Naturalistic Scenes
Local host: Prof. Dr. Anke Huckauf
31.10.2024Dr. Simon Watt (Bangor University, UK)
Title: Getting to grips with human tool use: a sensorimotor-control perspective
Local host: Prof. Dr. Marc O. Ernst
14.11.2024Prof. Dr. Hamidreza Jamalabadi (Philipps-Universität, Marburg)
Title: Physics and engineering of cognition: dynamical models of the 
ordered and disordered brain
Local host: Prof. Dr. Dr. Daniel Braun
28.11.2024Dr. Ahsan Adeel (University of Stirling, UK)
Title: Cellular Foundations of Common Sense and Imaginative Thought
Local host: Prof. Dr. Heiko Neumann
12.12.2024   TBA
Title: TBA
Local host:
09.01.2025Prof. Dr. Claudia Lenk (Ulm University)
Title: Bio-inspired acoustic sensors to improve human and machine hearing
Local host: Prof. Dr. Marc Ernst
23.01.2025Prof. Dr. Carolin Wienrich (Würzburg University)
Title: Immersive Experiences as Drivers of Innovation in Therapy and Human–AI Research: Empirical Findings and Applications
Local host: Prof. Dr. Enrico Rukzio
06.02.2025Prof. Dr. Sebastian Pannasch (TU Dresden)
Title: From Basic Mechanisms of Human Eye Movements to Autonomous Driving
Local host: Prof. Dr. Martin Baumann