Time & Date:
5-7 ct
Room 47.0.501 (Teaching block WWP)
Universität West
Albert-Einstein-Allee 47
89069 Ulm
Local Host:
Prof. Dr. Tina Seufert
Cognitive Systems and Human-Computer Interaction
Cognitive Systems M.Sc.
Abstract: During the last two decades, the interplay of cinematic design principles for moving images and viewers's perceptual and cognitive processes has been investigated in a growing number of studies. Some of these principles may also guide the design of visualizations for learning and knowledge acquisition. The present talk gives an overview of relevant approaches, presents empirical findings from my lab and discusses implications of filmic devices for learning with dynamic visualizations.
Bio: Stephan Schwan is head of the Realistic Depictions Lab and Deputy Director of the IWM. His research focus is on cognitive processing and comprehension of dynamic audio-visual media, knowledge acquisition with topographic and thematic maps, and the role of digital media and authentic exhibits for informal learning in museums. He studied psychology at the University of Tübingen (Diploma 1989), where he received his doctorate (1992) and did his habilitation (2000). From 2002 to 2004 he was full professor for e-learning at the Johannes Kepler University Linz (Austria).
Time & Date:
5-7 ct
Room 47.0.501 (Teaching block WWP)
Universität West
Albert-Einstein-Allee 47
89069 Ulm
Local Host:
Prof. Dr. Tina Seufert
Cognitive Systems and Human-Computer Interaction
Cognitive Systems M.Sc.