Sensor fusion on wearable EEG

Universität Ulm

Our group has developed a wearable EEG measurement device to continuous and unobtrusively monitor brain activity. The device is mainly used in the context of sleep studies where we explore the effect of audio stimulation on numerous physical and mental health issues such as Parkinson's, Hypertension, ADHD and Depression. We aim to extend the capabilities of the device by adding additional sensors for recording physiolgical parameters such as core temperature and photoplethysmography.

In this project you will configure our prototype device on flex-electronics to be able to record such data. This will include expanding the firmware to access sensors and expand the synchronized recording of the data. You will then have the opportunity to record first data sets, combine various datastreams  and evaluate the sensor performance and added value of using multimodal physiological data recordings.


For further information please contact Walter Karlen by e-mail.

electronic headband


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  • kurzes CV (~1 Seite),
  • Transcripte,
  • Vorhergehende Berichte oder Thesen (falls vorhanden),
  • und ein kurzes Motivationsschreiben (1 Paragraph) wieso dies das richtige Projekt für dich ist.

danach kontaktieren wir dich persönlich und werden versuchen einen auf dich zugeschnittenen Projektbeschrieb, sowie geeignete Lernziele zu definieren.

Wir freuen uns auf die Zusammenarbeit!