Development of an algorithm for heart rate variability analysis on a head PPG

Universität Ulm

Sleep is monitored with polysomnography as a gold standard. However, this method is quite complex as it requires medical assistance and reduces the subject’s comfort as it is conducted in a lab environment. Therefore, home sleep monitoring gained interest in recent years.

In our institute, we developed a sleep band that can continuously monitor sleep at home conditions. It is worn on head and equipped with electroencephalography (EEG), electrooculography (EOG), electromyography (EMG), and accelerometer sensors. However, it is also important to monitor cardiac activities during sleep. Therefore, we will expand our device with a photoplethysmography (PPG) sensor.

In this project, you will develop an algorithm to analyze the heart rate variability with a head PPG sensor. You will then compare your results to wrist PPG measurements.

For further information please contact Tugce Canbaz by e-mail.


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