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data <- read_dta("data/stata/elaborations/data_money_partners_strangers.dta")
# only number of people in group given (2, 12 or 24), convert to group size small or large
data$groupSize <- NA
data$groupSize[data$numInGroup == 2] <- "partnership"
data$groupSize[data$numInGroup > 2] <- "large"
# define ResonseTime as sum over all response times
data$ResponseTime = rowSums(data[33:42])
# delete unneccessary columns
data <- data %>%
dplyr::select(session, treatment, cycle, periodCycle, Subject, numInGroup, type, choice, otherChoice, outcome,
Profit, order, pref, gender, groupSize, RightAnswers, ResponseTime)
# impression of data
view <-
## session treatment cycle periodCycle Subject numInGroup type choice
## 1 1 2 4 2 1 12 2 2
## 2 1 2 1 8 1 2 1 0
## 3 1 2 2 16 1 12 1 0
## 4 1 2 2 15 1 12 2 1
## 5 1 2 3 17 1 2 1 0
## 6 1 2 6 22 1 2 1 0
## otherChoice outcome Profit order pref gender groupSize RightAnswers
## 1 0 1 0 1 NA 1 large 6
## 2 2 1 15 1 NA 1 partnership 6
## 3 2 1 18 1 NA 1 large 6
## 4 0 0 6 1 NA 1 large 6
## 5 2 1 15 1 NA 1 partnership 6
## 6 2 1 15 1 NA 1 partnership 6
## ResponseTime
## 1 219.649
## 2 219.649
## 3 219.649
## 4 219.649
## 5 219.649
## 6 219.649
The variables are declared as follows:
session: session of the experiment
treatment: 1=token condition, 2=control
cycle: cycle of the session, 6 cycles per session, where 1-4 are training phase
periodCycle: periods in cycle, cycles end randomly after period 16
Subject: ID for person participating in the experiment
type: 1=consumer, 2=producer
choice: 0=no choice,
for producer: 1=do not help, 2=give help, 3=give help if consumer gives token only
for consumer: 4=keep ticket, 5=give ticket, 7=give ticket if producer gives help only
otherChoice: choice of partner
outcome: 0=no cooperation 1=cooperation
Profit: profit in periodCycle
order: order of group size in training (12-2-12-2 or 2-12-2-12), 0=start with large group 1=start with partnership
pref: preference for large groups, 1=fixed pair, 2=random groups of 24
gender: 1=female, 2=male
groupSize: partnership (2) or large (12 or 24)
RightAnswers: amount of right answers in comprehension test on the experimental instructions
ResponseTime: response time for all questions in comprehension test on the experimental instructions
We want to analyze the difference between cooperation rates and efficiency and the willingness to help in token and control group.
Result 1: Average cooperation rates were higher in partnerships than in large groups. However, partnerships did not create significantly more surplus.
Result 2: In control give help (unconditional Z) was the predominant choice.
Result 3: In tokens producers were reluctant to help without being concurrently compensated and most of them choose to give help only in exchange for a token.
# result 1
knitr::kable(data %>% # kable function for nicer output
filter(cycle<=4 & periodCycle<=16) %>% # set cycle to training phase
group_by(treatment, numInGroup) %>% # differentiate by treatment and group size
cooperation = mean(outcome),
efficiency = mean((Profit-4.5)/4.5) # normalize by 4.5
# 4.5 corresponds to payoff if no one cooperates (see p. 200 in paper)
treatment | numInGroup | cooperation | efficiency |
1 | 2 | 0.6757812 | 0.4505208 |
1 | 12 | 0.4879557 | 0.4879557 |
2 | 2 | 0.6936849 | 0.4624566 |
2 | 12 | 0.4996745 | 0.4996745 |
# result 2
bp1 <- data %>%
filter(cycle<=4 & periodCycle<=16 & treatment==2) %>% # training, control
filter(type==2) %>% # producer
count(choice) %>% # get percentages of decisions
mutate(freq=n/sum(n)) %>%
group_by(choice) # 0.597 give help
# make a barplot for illustration
choice | n | freq |
1 | 2478 | 0.4033203 |
2 | 3666 | 0.5966797 |
bp1 <-
bp1$help <- ifelse(bp1$choice==1, "no help", "help") # rename for plot
barplot(height=bp1$freq, names=bp1$help, xlab="Choice", ylab="Frequency of Choice")
# result 3
bp2 <- data %>%
filter(cycle<=4 & periodCycle<=16 & treatment==1) %>% # training, token
filter((type==2 & otherChoice!=0) |(type==1 & choice != 0)) %>% # do not include no choice
group_by(type) %>%
count(choice) %>% # get percentages of decisions
mutate(freq=n/sum(n)) %>%
group_by(choice) # 0.634 of producers choose help if give
type | choice | n | freq |
1 | 4 | 369 | 0.0812954 |
1 | 5 | 459 | 0.1011236 |
1 | 7 | 3711 | 0.8175810 |
2 | 1 | 1076 | 0.2370566 |
2 | 2 | 586 | 0.1291033 |
2 | 3 | 2877 | 0.6338401 |
bp2 <- filter(bp2, type==2)
bp2 <-
bp2$help <- ifelse(bp2$choice==1, "help", ifelse(bp2$choice==2, "no help", "help if token"))
barplot(height=bp2$freq, names=bp2$help, xlab="Choice", ylab="Frequency of Choice")
Let us verify the observations by running a regression. We need cooperation and efficiency rates for tokens and control for the training phase as well as group sizes and transform all categorical variables to dummy variables. Then fit two regressions, one where cooperation is the dependent variable and one where efficiency is the dependent variable.
# get data for training phase for token and control and group size
data_t4 <- data %>%
filter(cycle<=4 & periodCycle<=16) %>%
group_by(treatment,groupSize, periodCycle, cycle) %>%
cooperation = mean(outcome),
efficiency = mean((Profit-4.5)/4.5)
# transform in dummy variables with interaction for treatment and group size
control <- ifelse(data_t4$treatment == 2, 1, 0)
tokens <- ifelse(data_t4$treatment == 1, 1, 0)
partnership <- ifelse(data_t4$groupSize == "partnership", 1, 0)
large <- ifelse(data_t4$groupSize == "large", 1, 0)
data_t4$tokens_x_small=tokens * partnership
data_t4$tokens_x_large=tokens * large
data_t4$control_x_large=control * large
data_t4$c1<-ifelse(data_t4$cycle == 1, 1, 0)
data_t4$c2<-ifelse(data_t4$cycle == 2, 1, 0)
data_t4$c3<-ifelse(data_t4$cycle == 3, 1, 0)
data_t4$c4<-ifelse(data_t4$cycle == 4, 1, 0)
# delete dummy for cycle 4 as cycle 4 is a linear combination of cyles 1&2&3
data_t4 <- subset(data_t4, select = -c(c1))
# fit lm models
m1 <- lm(cooperation ~ control_x_large + tokens_x_small + tokens_x_large + c2+c3+c4, data=data_t4)
m2 <- lm(efficiency ~ control_x_large + tokens_x_small + tokens_x_large + c2+c3+c4, data=data_t4)
# compare models in stargazer
stargazer(m1, m2, type="html",
colums.labels = c("Model 1", "Model 2")
Dependent variable: | ||
cooperation | efficiency | |
(1) | (2) | |
control_x_large | -0.194*** | 0.037** |
(0.017) | (0.015) | |
tokens_x_small | -0.018 | -0.012 |
(0.017) | (0.015) | |
tokens_x_large | -0.206*** | 0.025* |
(0.017) | (0.015) | |
c2 | 0.180*** | 0.155*** |
(0.017) | (0.015) | |
c3 | 0.212*** | 0.167*** |
(0.017) | (0.015) | |
c4 | 0.275*** | 0.230*** |
(0.017) | (0.015) | |
Constant | 0.527*** | 0.325*** |
(0.016) | (0.014) | |
Observations | 256 | 256 |
R2 | 0.696 | 0.535 |
Adjusted R2 | 0.689 | 0.524 |
Residual Std. Error (df = 249) | 0.094 | 0.082 |
F Statistic (df = 6; 249) | 95.084*** | 47.710*** |
Note: | p<0.1; p<0.05; p<0.01 |
Model 1 | Model 2 |
We indeed see that cooperation rates in partnerships were higher than in groups, however, efficiency was higher in groups.
We also see that participants in tokens selected to interact in large groups more frequently than in control. 0.557 of participants in tokens prefer large groups, but only 0.393 in control.
# result 2
knitr::kable(data %>%
filter(cycle==4 | cycle==5) %>% # we want to look at cycles 5&6,
# but prefs are expressed the cycle before, so filter cycles 4&5
group_by(treatment) %>%
pref_for_large_groups = mean(pref-1, na.rm=TRUE) # -1 as pref is coded 1/2
)) # 0.557 vs 0.393
treatment | pref_for_large_groups |
1 | 0.5572917 |
2 | 0.3932292 |
We want to show that the result above is robust to separately considering cycles 5 and 6 and controlling for order, sex and understanding of the experiment, expressed by the amount of right answers and the response time on the comprehension test.
data_t6 <- data %>%
filter(cycle==4|cycle==5) %>%
group_by(session, Subject, treatment, groupSize, cycle, order, RightAnswers, ResponseTime, gender) %>%
pref_for_large_groups = mean(pref-1, na.rm=TRUE)
# dummy coding
data_t6$tokens = ifelse(data_t6$treatment == 2, 0, 1)
data_t6$cycle6 = ifelse(data_t6$cycle == 5, 1, 0)
# use probitmfx function for panel probit regression, cluster for sessions
probitmfx(pref_for_large_groups ~ tokens + cycle6 + order + RightAnswers + ResponseTime + gender, clustervar1 = "session", data = data_t6)
## Call:
## probitmfx(formula = pref_for_large_groups ~ tokens + cycle6 +
## order + RightAnswers + ResponseTime + gender, data = data_t6,
## clustervar1 = "session")
## Marginal Effects:
## dF/dx Std. Err. z P>|z|
## tokens 1.7517e-01 7.2810e-02 2.4059 0.01613 *
## cycle6 -5.7030e-02 3.5140e-02 -1.6229 0.10461
## order -1.3244e-02 7.4779e-02 -0.1771 0.85943
## RightAnswers -1.6415e-02 1.4347e-02 -1.1441 0.25256
## ResponseTime 3.9614e-05 2.4397e-04 0.1624 0.87101
## gender -1.9967e-01 2.7840e-02 -7.1720 7.392e-13 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## dF/dx is for discrete change for the following variables:
## [1] "tokens" "cycle6" "order" "gender"
The tokens coefficient is significant, meaning that subjects in tokens more often preferred to interact in large groups.
As cooperation rates were not significantly different between conditions as seen above, the exposure to tokens must be the reason for the preference of large groups. We will show that the experience of full cooperation, that is, a subject received the same amount of help they gave, and help imbalance influenced the decisions for large groups.
To compute the help imbalance we compare the times that a subject received help and the times they gave help. That is, we have an imbalance if the amount of giving and receiving help differed. Full cooperation is attained if help is always exchanged and the imbalance is 0. Help imbalance is -1 if help was always given but never received and +1 vice versa. While subjects have the ability to punish their counterpart for exploiting behaviour in partnerships, this is not possible in large groups where subjects are matched with new partners each time. The question is whether tokens can mitigate this exploitation hazard. Let us look at the plots for fixed pairs and large groups in control and tokens condition regarding the help imbalance.
# get data for individual graphs
# top left
# fixed pairs in control
a = data %>%
filter(cycle<=4 & periodCycle<=16 & treatment==2 & numInGroup==2) %>%
group_by(Subject, session, cycle) %>%
# each cycle consists of 16 periods, where each subject is 8 times consumer and 8 times producer
# therefore /8 to get shares
full_coop=imbalance==0 & N_help_received/8==1, # share of help received==1
# top right
# fixed pairs in tokens
b = data %>%
filter(cycle<=4 & periodCycle<=16 & treatment==1 & numInGroup==2) %>%
group_by(Subject, session, cycle) %>%
full_coop=imbalance==0 & N_help_received/8==1,
# bottom left
# large groups in control
c = data %>%
filter(cycle<=4 & periodCycle<=16 & treatment==2 & numInGroup>2) %>%
group_by(Subject, session, cycle) %>%
full_coop=imbalance==0 & N_help_received/8==1,
# bottom right
# large groups in tokens
d = data %>%
filter(cycle<=4 & periodCycle<=16 & treatment==1 & numInGroup>2) %>%
group_by(Subject, session, cycle) %>%
full_coop=imbalance==0 & N_help_received/8==1,
# combine data
abcd = rbind(a,b,c,d)
# count imbalance per panel
hist_count <- abcd %>%
group_by(panel, imbalance) %>%
# plot all graphs with shares of imbalance
# use geom_brace from ggbrace package from github to plot nice braces with shares
pa <- ggplot(data=a, aes(x=imbalance, fill=full_coop)) +
geom_histogram(aes(y = after_stat(count / sum(count))), binwidth=0.125, center=0) +
ylim(0,0.65) +
ggtitle("Control condition") + ylab("Fixed pairs") + xlab("") +
scale_fill_discrete("", labels=c("Partial or no cooperation", "Full cooperation")) +
geom_brace(aes(c(-1,-0.1),c(0.2,0.22), # defines position and size of brace
# get data from a where imb<0, compute share of imb<0
label=round(sum(hist_count$n[(hist_count$panel=="a")==1 & (hist_count$imbalance<0)==1])/sum(hist_count$n[(hist_count$panel=="a")]),3)),, labelsize = 3) +
# get data from a where imb>0, compute share of imb>0
label=round(sum(hist_count$n[(hist_count$panel=="a")==1 & (hist_count$imbalance>0)==1])/sum(hist_count$n[(hist_count$panel=="a")]),3)),, labelsize = 3)
# repeat for b,c,d
pb <- ggplot(data=b, aes(x=imbalance, fill=full_coop)) +
geom_histogram(aes(y = after_stat(count / sum(count))), binwidth=0.125, center=0) +
ylim(0,0.65) +
ggtitle("Token condition") + ylab("") + xlab("") +
label=round(sum(hist_count$n[(hist_count$panel=="b")==1 & (hist_count$imbalance<0)==1])/sum(hist_count$n[(hist_count$panel=="b")]),3)),, labelsize = 3) +
label=round(sum(hist_count$n[(hist_count$panel=="b")==1 & (hist_count$imbalance>0)==1])/sum(hist_count$n[(hist_count$panel=="b")]),3)),, labelsize = 3)
pc <- ggplot(data=c, aes(x=imbalance)) +
geom_histogram(aes(y = after_stat(count / sum(count))), binwidth=0.125, center=0) +
ylim(0,0.65) +
xlab("Help imbalance") + ylab("Large groups") +
label=round(sum(hist_count$n[(hist_count$panel=="c")==1 & (hist_count$imbalance<0)==1])/sum(hist_count$n[(hist_count$panel=="c")]),3)),, labelsize = 3) +
label=round(sum(hist_count$n[(hist_count$panel=="c")==1 & (hist_count$imbalance>0)==1])/sum(hist_count$n[(hist_count$panel=="c")]),3)),, labelsize = 3)
pd <- ggplot(data=d, aes(x=imbalance)) +
geom_histogram(aes(y = after_stat(count / sum(count))), binwidth=0.125, center=0) +
ylim(0,0.65) +
xlab("Help imbalance") + ylab("") +
label=round(sum(hist_count$n[(hist_count$panel=="d")==1 & (hist_count$imbalance<0)==1])/sum(hist_count$n[(hist_count$panel=="d")]),3)),, labelsize = 3) +
label=round(sum(hist_count$n[(hist_count$panel=="d")==1 & (hist_count$imbalance>0)==1])/sum(hist_count$n[(hist_count$panel=="d")]),3)),, labelsize = 3)
# combine all graphs and plot
pa, pb, pc, pd,
common.legend=TRUE, legend="bottom"
# amount of 0 help imbalance
knitr::kable(data %>%
filter(cycle<=4 & periodCycle<=16) %>%
group_by(treatment, groupSize, Subject, session, cycle) %>%
imbalance=(N_help_received-N_help_given )/8
) %>%
group_by(treatment, groupSize) %>%
count(treatment, imbalance==0) %>% # count how often 0 imb was attained per treatment
share_imbalance_yes_vs_no = n/sum(n) # compute shares
)) # 0.563 vs 0.156, 0.609 vs 0.299
treatment | groupSize | share_imbalance_yes_vs_no |
1 | large | 0.7005208 |
1 | large | 0.2994792 |
1 | partnership | 0.3906250 |
1 | partnership | 0.6093750 |
2 | large | 0.8437500 |
2 | large | 0.1562500 |
2 | partnership | 0.4375000 |
2 | partnership | 0.5625000 |
We see that a zero imbalance was more common in partnerships than large groups and also more common in tokens than control. Also note that in large groups more people were exploited than in large groups.
Let us look at how the experiences during the training phase impacted the preference for large groups in the selection phase. Therefore look at the preferences for cycles 5 and 6 as well as experienced imbalances in pairs vs groups and experienced full cooperation rate.
(I did not obtain the same result as in the paper, therefore these aggregations are likely not completely accurate.)
pref4 <- data %>%
filter(cycle==4) %>% # choice for cycle 5
group_by(session, Subject) %>%
pref4 = mean(pref-1, na.rm=TRUE)
pref5 <- data %>%
filter(cycle==5) %>% # choice for cycle 6
group_by(session, Subject) %>%
pref5 = mean(pref-1, na.r=TRUE)
imb <- data %>%
filter(cycle<=4 & periodCycle<=16) %>%
group_by(Subject, session) %>%
imbalance=(N_gift_received - N_gift_given )/8
imb <- distinct(imb)
fc <- data %>%
filter(cycle<=4 & periodCycle<=16) %>%
group_by(Subject, session) %>%
merge1 <- merge(pref4, pref5, by=c("session", "Subject"))
merge2 <- merge(merge1, imb, by=c("session", "Subject"))
merge3 <- merge(merge2, fc, by=c("session", "Subject"))
data_t7 <- data %>%
filter(cycle==4|cycle==5) %>%
filter(periodCycle<=16) %>%
group_by(session, Subject, treatment, numInGroup, cycle, order, RightAnswers, ResponseTime, gender) %>%
pref_for_large_groups = mean(pref-1, na.rm=TRUE)
merge4 <- merge(merge3, data_t7, by=c("session", "Subject"))
data_t7 <- merge4
tokens <- ifelse(data_t7$treatment.x == 1, 1, 0)
cycle6 <- ifelse(data_t7$cycle == 5, 1, 0)
data_t7$cycle6 <- ifelse(data_t7$cycle == 5, 1, 0)
data_t7$tokens_x_cycle5=tokens * !cycle6
data_t7$tokens_x_cycle6=tokens * cycle6
full_coop_dummy <- ifelse(data_t7$full_coop >0, 1, 0)
partnership <- ifelse(data_t7$numInGroup == 2, 1, 0)
data_t7$full_coop2 <- full_coop_dummy * partnership
data_t7$imbalance2 <- data_t7$imbalance * partnership
data_t7$imbalance12 <- data_t7$imbalance * !partnership
probitmfx(pref_for_large_groups ~ tokens_x_cycle5 +tokens_x_cycle6 + cycle6 + imbalance2 + imbalance12 + full_coop2 + order +
RightAnswers + ResponseTime + gender,
clustervar1 = "session", data = data_t7)
## Call:
## probitmfx(formula = pref_for_large_groups ~ tokens_x_cycle5 +
## tokens_x_cycle6 + cycle6 + imbalance2 + imbalance12 + full_coop2 +
## order + RightAnswers + ResponseTime + gender, data = data_t7,
## clustervar1 = "session")
## Marginal Effects:
## dF/dx Std. Err. z P>|z|
## tokens_x_cycle5 3.2465e-01 8.0213e-02 4.0473 5.181e-05 ***
## tokens_x_cycle6 3.9015e-01 9.5801e-02 4.0725 4.652e-05 ***
## cycle6 -1.7560e-02 8.2057e-02 -0.2140 0.83055
## imbalance2 1.4720e-01 6.8943e-02 2.1350 0.03276 *
## imbalance12 1.2828e-01 2.9618e-02 4.3312 1.483e-05 ***
## full_coop2 1.0141e-01 9.8091e-02 1.0338 0.30121
## order 2.4415e-01 1.2744e-01 1.9159 0.05538 .
## RightAnswers -9.9980e-03 1.9670e-02 -0.5083 0.61126
## ResponseTime -5.1942e-05 3.8964e-04 -0.1333 0.89395
## gender -1.2302e-01 5.0305e-02 -2.4455 0.01446 *
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## dF/dx is for discrete change for the following variables:
## [1] "tokens_x_cycle5" "tokens_x_cycle6" "cycle6" "full_coop2"
## [5] "order" "gender"
Note that although the coefficients are not the same as in the paper, they go in the same direction. Full_coop2 is the exception, however, the coefficient is not significant in this model.
This regression shows that subjects who had a positive imbalance, that is, received more help than they gave, were more likely to choose large groups, while those that were exploited and had a negative help imbalance were more likely to prefer partnerships. This makes sense as in partnerships it is possible to directly punish the other player.
Lastly, we want to analyze differences in efficiency and cooperation rates between group sizes and treatment in the selection phase. Efficiency in partnerships are quite similar around 55% for both conditions, but in groups efficiency was significantly higher in tokens than in control. We run a linear regression for the selection phase where select treatment, group size, cycle and session from the data.
knitr::kable(data %>%
filter(cycle==5|cycle==6) %>% # selection phase only
filter(periodCycle<=16) %>%
group_by(treatment, groupSize) %>%
efficiency = mean((Profit-4.5)/4.5)
treatment | groupSize | efficiency |
1 | large | 0.6718750 |
1 | partnership | 0.5538194 |
2 | large | 0.4496528 |
2 | partnership | 0.5731838 |
data_t8 <- data %>%
filter(cycle==5|cycle==6) %>% # selection phase only
filter(periodCycle<=16) %>%
group_by(treatment, groupSize, cycle, session) %>%
cooperation = mean(outcome),
efficiency = mean((Profit-4.5)/4.5) # normalize profit
# dummy coding
control <- ifelse(data_t8$treatment == 2, 1, 0)
tokens <- ifelse(data_t8$treatment == 1, 1, 0)
partnership <- ifelse(data_t8$groupSize == "partnership", 1, 0)
large <- ifelse(data_t8$groupSize == "large", 1, 0)
data_t8$tokens_x_small=tokens * partnership
data_t8$tokens_x_large=tokens * large
data_t8$control_x_large=control * large
data_t8$cycle6 <- ifelse(data_t8$cycle == 6, 1, 0)
# fit linear model
t8 <- lm(efficiency ~ control_x_large + tokens_x_small + tokens_x_large + cycle6, data=data_t8)
## Call:
## lm(formula = efficiency ~ control_x_large + tokens_x_small +
## tokens_x_large + cycle6, data = data_t8)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -0.21665 -0.06999 0.01460 0.04304 0.23992
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 0.56572 0.03368 16.795 8.1e-16 ***
## control_x_large -0.12069 0.06407 -1.884 0.0704 .
## tokens_x_small -0.02114 0.04926 -0.429 0.6712
## tokens_x_large 0.10061 0.04209 2.390 0.0241 *
## cycle6 0.01386 0.03597 0.385 0.7030
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.09936 on 27 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.3429, Adjusted R-squared: 0.2455
## F-statistic: 3.522 on 4 and 27 DF, p-value: 0.01945
The linear regression shows how efficiency varies with group sizes and treatment. The default condition is control and partnerships. We can verify that in partnerships efficiency was similar but in large groups a higher efficiency was attained in tokens.
Cooperation rates in partnerships are also quite similar at around 85% for both conditions, but in groups the average cooperation rate was significantly higher in tokens than in control. Using the same data as above we can also run a linear regression for cooperation rates. Again, the default condition is control and partnerships.
knitr::kable(data %>%
filter(cycle==5|cycle==6) %>% # selection phase only
filter(periodCycle<=16) %>%
group_by(treatment, groupSize) %>%
cooperation = mean(outcome)
treatment | groupSize | cooperation |
1 | large | 0.6718750 |
1 | partnership | 0.8307292 |
2 | large | 0.4496528 |
2 | partnership | 0.8597756 |
# fit linear model
t9 <- lm(cooperation ~ control_x_large + tokens_x_small + tokens_x_large + cycle6, data=data_t8)
## Call:
## lm(formula = cooperation ~ control_x_large + tokens_x_small +
## tokens_x_large + cycle6, data = data_t8)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -0.22763 -0.06526 0.02077 0.05511 0.24724
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 0.84245 0.03762 22.392 < 2e-16 ***
## control_x_large -0.40352 0.07156 -5.639 5.51e-06 ***
## tokens_x_small -0.03317 0.05502 -0.603 0.551604
## tokens_x_large -0.18345 0.04701 -3.902 0.000573 ***
## cycle6 0.03217 0.04018 0.801 0.430334
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.111 on 27 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.6161, Adjusted R-squared: 0.5592
## F-statistic: 10.83 on 4 and 27 DF, p-value: 2.273e-05
Our first impressions are again verified. In partnerships cooperation rates are statistically similar across conditions. We see that in both tokens and control cooperation rates drop when looking at large groups. However, they drop significantly lower in control than in tokens.