Applied Subject/Interaction: User-Centered Design for Interactive Systems, Winter term 2023/24

Kick-Off Event

You will receive information about the process, topics, and credit opportunities for the Applied Subject User-Centered Design for Interactive Systems at the kick-off event on 2023-10-17 from 12:15pm - 1:45pm in H21.
In case of questions please contact tobias.wagner(at)

Course Description

This course provides a framework for learning the process of "User-Centered Design" using a project as an example. In particular, this project will address the development and enhancement of novel interaction techniques. The goal is to create and evaluate an executable prototype system. The two-semester project starts with an introduction to "User-Centered Design" and related methods. Furthermore, current technologies will be introduced and practically experienced.

"User-Centered Design" includes the following steps:

  • Analysis
  • Design
  • Implementation
  • Evaluation

During the course of the project, a project website and a short demo video of the project will also be created.


The individual teams will work on individual assignments within the scope of the topics. Currently, this year's topics are still being worked on and will be presented at the kick-off event.


  • The project usually spans two semesters, but can be completed in one semester if desired.

8+8 ECTS, 5+5 SWS

Cognitive Systems (FSPO 2017)

  • M. Sc., Applied Subject/Interaction

see also Modulhandbuch, all information without guarantee