Project Design Thinking for Interactive Systems, summer term 2024


We coordinate the projects and applied subjects "Design Thinking for Interactive Systems", "Human-Computer Interaction", and "User-Centered Design for Interactive Systems" through this moodle course

Please attend our kick-off event on October 15th at 12:15 in room O28/1002 to be informed about the course modalities and available topics.


Within this framework, students will learn to complete a project based on design thinking principles to develop new interaction techniques in the field of human-computer interaction. The goal is to develop a functioning prototype and evaluate its usefulness.

Design Thinking encompasses the following steps.

  • Empathize
  • Define
  • Ideate
  • Prototype
  • Test

The project is fully supervised and embedded in project management tools. The results are documented in a project report, as well as presented and discussed within the work group of human-computer interaction.


This projects is conceptualised as ongoing over two semesters. Upon request, this can be stripped to an intense semester.

This project series has modules that can be accounted for in the master media informatics as applied subject (12 ECTS, FSPO21), or as full project (16 ECTS) in various master programmes. Please take this into account while registering for an exam.


Projects and applied subjects are coordinated over this moodle course.

Adherence to Study Programmes


  • Anwf. MI (12LP)
  • Projekt Medieninformatik (16LP)

Software Engineering

  • Projekt (16LP)

(Modul- und Prüfungsnummern werden zur Zeit überarbeitet, 3/2023)