Opportunities for collaboration between academia and business
Ulm University appeals to businesses with its true and open culture of cooperation, which creates a win-win situation for both sides. The University develops scientifically founded solutions for current challenges in economy and society and collaborates with strong partners to put them into practice.
Research partners / cooperations
- DLR-Institut für Quantentechnologien in der Raumfahrt (DLR-QT)
- HIU - Helmholtz-Institut Ulm
- ifa - Institut für Finanz- und Aktuarwissenschaften
- IFR - Institut für rehabilitationsmedizinische Forschung [German language only]
- IfDT - Institut für Diabetestechnologie gemeinnützige Forschungs- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH
- ILEU - Institut für Virtuelles und reales Lernen in der Erwachsenenbildung
- ILM - Institut für Lasertechnologien in der Medizin- und Messtechnik [German language only]
- IMM - Institut für Medienforschung und Medienentwicklung [German language only]
- ZSW -Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg
Internal and external partners and cooperations
- GUC - German University in Cairo
- HDZ - Hochschul Didaktik Zentrum Universitäten Baden-Württemberg
- HBC - Hochschule Biberach [German language only]
- InnoSÜD - Regionaler Hochschulverbund für Innovationstransfer [German language only]
- IQSt - Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology [German language only]
- PoLiS - Exzellenzcluster Post Lithium Storage
- Technische Hochschule Ulm
- TLB - Technologie-Lizenz-Büro
- ZENDAS - Zentrale Datenschutzstelle der Baden-Württembergischen Universitäten
Partners in medical research and education
- Universitätsklinikum Ulm [German language only]
- Universitäts- und Rehabilitationskliniken Ulm (RKU) [German language only]
- Bundeswehrkrankenhaus (BWK) [German language only]
- Bezirkskrankenhaus Günzburg [German language only]
- AGAPLESION BETHESDA KLINIK ULM gGmbH [German language only]
- Partnerstandort des Deutschen Zentrums für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen (DZNE)
- Zentrum für Psychiatrie Weissenau
- Institut für Klinische Transfusionsmedizin und Immungenetik (IKT)
- Institut für Radiobiologie der Bundeswehr [German language only]
- Sozial- und Arbeitsmedizinische Akademie Baden-Württemberg (SAMA) [German language only]
Partners in the region
The University is designated partner in the following projects:
- Boehringer Ingelheim Ulm University BioCenter (BIU)
- driveu - Innovationszentrum der Daimler AG und der Universität Ulm
- Tech Center a-drive - Forschungszentrum zum automatisierten Fahren
- Reallabor Nachhaltige Transformation der Textilwirtschaft [German language only]
- Ulmer Zentrum für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen (UZWR)
- Ulmer Kolloqium im Wirtschafts- und Steuerrecht [German language only]
There are plenty of opportunities for collaboration outside of these institutions as well:
- Businesses can develop solutions to specific problems in collaboration with individual institutes or have them developed for them.
- The School of Advanced Professional Studies (SAPS) offers continuing academic education with a focus on technical, scientific or medical skills, management know-how, research expertise and leadership skills. The course offers are tailored to working professionals and facilitate optimised reconciliation with occupational challenges.
- Ulm University supports its students in gaining insights into realistic scenarios of economy and industry through internships as well as graduate and doctoral theses.