
According to the Baden-Württemberg Federal State Higher Education Act (Landeshochschulgesetz, LHG), the Senate takes decisions in matters concerning research, art production, artistic development projects, teaching, studies and continuing education, unless assigned by law to another central body of the faculties.

Members of Senate 2023/24

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Weber


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Weber


Dieter Kaufmann

Chief Financial Officer

Prof. Dr. Aurelia Peraud

Gender Equality Officer


Faculty of Natural Sciences
Prof. Dr. Kay-Eberhard Gottschalk
Prof. Dr. Axel Groß
Prof. Dr. Jan Tuckermann
Prof. Dr. Max von Delius

Faculty of Engineering, Computer Science and Psychology
Prof. Dr. Martin Baumann
Prof. Dr. Manfred Reichert
Prof. Dr. Maurits Ortmanns
Prof. Dr. Christian Waldschmidt

Faculty of Mathematics and Economics
Prof. Dr. Heribert Anzinger
Prof. Dr. Irene Bouw
Prof. Dr. Stefan Funken
Prof. Dr. Paul Wentges

Medical Faculty
Prof. Dr. Stefan Michael Britsch
Prof. Dr. Leda Dimou
Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoffmann
Prof. Dr. Hans Armin Kestler
Prof. Dr. Barbara Spellerberg
Prof. Dr. Florian Steger

Academic Staff

apl. Prof. Dr. Christine Kranz
Dr. Margarita Puentes-Damm
Dr. Alexander Raschke
apl. Prof. Dr. Ulrich Ziener

Doctoral Candidates
Nicolas Kainz
Marit Steiner


Florian Feuchtmayr
Jette Kirsch
Igor Mikhailov
Annika Riepe

Other Staff Members

Thomas Haimerl
Mathias Schneiderhan
Christine Sommerfeld
Claudia Weilguni

Vice Presidents

Prof. Dr. Joachim Ankerhold

Prof. Dr. Michael Kühl

Prof. Dr. Dr. Olga Pollatos

Prof. Dr. Dieter Rautenbach


Deans (as far as not Elected Member)

Prof. Dr. Kay-Eberhard Gottschalk, Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences

Prof. Dr. Anke Huckauf, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Computer Science and Psychology

Prof. Dr. Gunter Löffler Funken, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Economics

Prof. Dr. Thomas Wirth, Dean of the Medical Faculty


Ulm University Hospital

Prof. Dr. Udo X. Kaisers, Chief Medical Director (as far as the Hospital is affected)

Christa Hohner, Commercial Director (as far as the Hospital is affected)



Peter Schropp


Anna Wesner

Presidential Office
Committees´ Office

Helmholtzstr. 16
89081 Ulm

+49 731 50 22005

Rainer Pfaff

Presidential Office
Secretariat of Committees` Office

Helmholtzstr. 16
89081 Ulm

+49 731 50 22095