Administration and Facility Management

The Chief Financial Officer is full-time Board member and responsible for financial and human resources management. He heads the Central University Administration. More...

'Division I – Legal and Organisational Affairs, Marketing' provides services concerning the external presentation and communication at Ulm University and offers advice in legal matters. It also provides services in the context of technology transfer and regarding organizational questions. More...

'Division II – Student and International Affairs' and its five departments are contact points for current and prospective students as well as teaching staff. It supports the University’s management in all academic affairs, especially with regards to regulations around admissions, examination and capacity. Division II is also involved in the establishment of new study programmes and international contacts as well as general measures of internationalisation. More...

'Division III – Human Resources' is responsible for administration and services in relation to all staff of the University (except Medical Faculty).  More...

'Division IV – Finances' manages the University's finances and accounting in the national budget. Main responsibilities are external and internal billing, financial planning including allocation of funds, central procurements and managing third-party and special funds as well as economic activities of the University. More...

'Division V – Facility Management' and its five departments take care of everything that's needed for smooth technical operations, 24 hours a day. Main areas of responsibilities are media supplies, management of the entire operating equipment and technical building systems as well as property management including cleaning and maintenance services.  More...

The executive support unit 'Quality Development, Reporting and Revision' supports the conception of quality control systems to ensure and further develop the quality of performance processes. It also collects and interprets data to evaluate the success of measures and instruments for quality enhancement. More...