Review of the year 2024
New high-security laboratory for university medicine
The new high-security laboratory of Ulm University's Medical Faculty is ceremoniously handed over to its future users. In the anthracite-coloured, two-storey building, researchers work under state-of-the-art conditions on safety cabinets and incubators. They use special analysers to investigate hazardous or potentially deadly viruses. The total construction costs, including initial equipment, amount to around 8.4 million euros.

Ulm University on the way to becoming a brand
At an event, the university management informs about the new brand essence of Ulm University. In a multi-stage, participatory process, various members of the university worked out what constitutes Ulm University's brand personality and what sets it apart from other universities. This process crystallised the following: We are excellent, specialised and personal. This brand essence is complemented by the new claim "At the highest level".

Former Rector Prof Detlef Bückmann passes away at the age of 96
The University mourns the loss of its former Rector Professor Detlef Bückmann. The biologist was at the helm of Ulm University from 1979 to 1983. He died in January at the age of 96. Bückmann came to Ulm University just a few years after its foundation and played a key role in its development. He campaigned for a reform of the constitution and pushed ahead with the expansion of the university. In 1972, the prestigious expert in animal endocrinology received the Science Prize of the City of Ulm and was honoured with the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in 1983 in recognition of his services as Rector.


StudyCheck ranking: Ulm University in 10th place
The evaluation portal StudyCheck honours Ulm University as "Top University in Germany 2024". Students rate their university as one of the best in Germany, lifting it to 10th place in the ranking. 93 per cent of students recommend studying at Ulm University - making it one of the most popular universities in Germany. The award as a top university once again confirms that students feel that they are in good hands at their University and on campus with its short distances.

Dies Academicus
Every year, the university celebrates its academic successes with the Dies Academicus. In 2024, it will once again be awarding prizes for outstanding commitment from researchers, teaching staff and students. University President Professor Michael Weber is delighted about the second-highest third-party funding of all time and the invitation to submit a full proposal for the joint Chem4Quant cluster of excellence together with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the University of Stuttgart. The focus is also on the new sustainability strategy.

Excellence Strategy: "Chem4Quant" in the next round
Ulm University has cleared an important hurdle in its application for a cluster of excellence and, together with its application partners from KIT and the University of Stuttgart, has made it to the next round of the German federal and state governments' Excellence Strategy with its "Chem4Quant" draft proposal. In this initiative, an interdisciplinary team from the fields of Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science and Materials Science aims to develop atomically precise material structures for future quantum technologies.
Prof Michael Weber is the new chair of the State Rectors' Conference
The rectors and presidents of the nine state universities are electing the new executive board of the State Rectors' Conference as scheduled. The new chair will be Professor Michael Weber, president of Ulm University, and the deputy chairwoman will be Professor Karla Pollmann, rector of the University of Tübingen. Both will take office on 1st April 2024 for two years. This is the first time a woman has been substituted on the board. The new board's main focus is on renegotiating university funding.

Man and machine
Younger, bolder, more colourful: The "Ulmer Denkanstöße" at the Stadthaus will feature lectures and discussions as well as new formats on the relationship between man and machine and the rapid developments in the field of artificial intelligence. An interactive game show and a big party for everyone will also appeal to a younger audience.


Tips and tricks for teaching
Visitors to the Teaching and Learning 2024 ideas fair can find out about current developments and innovative formats for university teaching at ten statuses. New offers for digital teaching and e-learning, possibilities for the use of artificial intelligence, but also tips and tricks for improving personal skills will be presented.

Outstanding service performances in research and teaching
Ulm University is honouring young scientists for their outstanding service performances with its own awards ceremony. At the event in the Villa Eberhardt, researchers with start-up funding and junior incubator funding for promising research projects are honoured and university teaching methods certificates are presented to young junior lecturers.
Top support in Natural Sciences, Computer Science and Medicine
In the latest ranking by the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE), Ulm University once again achieves top results in many areas. The 2023/24 survey focuses on the subjects of Biology, Chemistry, Human Medicine, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Dentistry. The students surveyed are particularly satisfied with the dedicated organisation of their respective degree programmes. Germany's largest university ranking is compiled in collaboration with the weekly newspaper "Die Zeit".

Research training group for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
The DFG (German Research Foundation)is funding the research training group “Knowledge Infusion and Extraction for Explainable Medical AI” (KEMAI) with six million euros over the next five years. A total of 27 doctoral students are conducting research at the interface between Computer Science, Medicine and Ethics. The aim is to improve the comprehensibility and acceptance of AI-based decisions. Knowledge-based and learning-based AI systems are to be combined in order to increase the accuracy and informative value of image-based diagnostics. KEMAI's spokesperson is Professor Timo Ropinski from the Institute of Media Informatics.


New master's programme "Management Information Systems"
The "Management Information Systems - Digital Business & Analytics" master's programme prepares young people for the digital future. The programme, which is available with unrestricted admission, not only teaches subject and methodological skills at the interface between Economics and Computer Science, but also places great emphasis on practical projects and cooperation with well-known companies from the region. Students learn how to actively shape digital change, develop and apply suitable methods in areas such as AI, data-based decision-making and new digital business models.

Long evening of science at Ulm University
Take a breath of campus air and experience science up close, be part of an experiment and find out about research results: This is what the Long Evening of Science at Ulm University is all about. The TechNight focusses on Engineering. More than 2,000 visitors come to the university to learn about the work of researchers in lectures, demonstrations and hands-on activities. There was a wide range of exhibits from all faculties to marvel at and understand in the university forum, the training hospital and the Botanical Garden.

University once again certified as a "family-friendly university"
Ulm University is a family-friendly place to work and study! This is confirmed by the "with distinction" certificate for the family-friendly university audit. Ulm University offers a whole bundle of measures that massively improve the reconciliation of family and appointments or studies. These include childcare facilities such as kindergartens and crèches, holiday childcare and parent-child rooms, as well as flexible working time models and the expansion of home office and mobile working options. The University also helps students with children or other family responsibilities to reconcile their studies and family life.
New graduate school @QuantumBW promotes transfer into practice
The state of Baden-Württemberg is funding the Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology (IQST) graduate school with 4.7 million euros. The Ministry of Science is funding ten doctoral positions for an initial period of four years. The new institution is not limited to one location, but is open to young researchers from all of Baden-Württemberg's universities. Each doctoral project is led by a research institution and supported by at least one industrial partner. This model promotes both the transfer of scientific knowledge into practice and the connection between industry and university research.

First academic graduation ceremony on Münsterplatz
Goosebumps in the heart of the city: more than a thousand Ulm University graduates are bid farewell on the big stage at the start of the “Schwörwochenende”. The first joint graduation ceremony of all four faculties starts in the best summer weather on Münsterplatz. The highlight of the ceremony: the graduates of a few hours' standing throw their hats into the sky in front of Ulm Minster. A moving sight also for the guests of honour: Baden-Württemberg's Minister of Science Petra Olschowski and Ulm's Lord Mayor Martin Ansbacher. The big party follows.

Minister Olschowski on summer tour of the Green Energy Campus
During her summer tour, State Science Minister Petra Olschowski will be stopping off at Ulm University and the Helmholtz Institute Ulm. The motto of the tour is "How do we want to live together in the future?". The minister will get answers to her questions at the Green Energy Campus in Ulm's Science City. This is where the energy storage systems of the future are being developed and sustainable systems for energy conversion are being researched - at the highest level! This is demonstrated by the POLiS cluster of excellence, which will be up for renewal next year if supporting documents are approved. The Minister is keeping her fingers crossed!

Psychotherapeutic university outpatient clinic in new premises
Ulm University's Psychotherapeutic Outpatient Clinic (PHSA) has started operations in its new premises at Bahnhofstraße 8. The outpatient clinic is one of the anchor tenants in the extended Peek & Cloppenburg building and occupies the top two floors. There are 27 therapy rooms and a therapy kitchen spread over two floors. The PHSA, which is affiliated with the Institute of Psychology and Education, combines therapy, research and teaching. The aim is to provide practical training; (akad.: ) education for future psychotherapists.

ZAWiW celebrates its 30th anniversary at the autumn academy
For 30 years, the Centre for General Continuing Academic Education (Zentrum für Allgemeine Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung - ZAWiW) has stood for building bridges between science and society and has excelled above all in continuing education in the third age. The autumn academy at Ulm University at the end of September will therefore not only focus on freedom and democracy, but will also celebrate the anniversary with a get-together and a lecture. In addition, the long-standing chair of the ZAWiW's friends' association, Dr Götz Hartung, will be awarded the Ulm University Medal.


Among the 20 best universities in Germany!
Ulm University is once again among the 20 best universities in the country according to THE World University Ranking 2025 in 19th place. Ulm University scored particularly well in terms of its teaching supervision ratio, research quality and the evaluation criterion of industry contacts. In an international comparison of over 2,000 institutions, Ulm University was even ranked among the top 200 universities worldwide with 199th place.
Successful collaboration in the BIU BioCentre continues
The Boehringer Ingelheim Ulm University BioCenter is entering its third term under the name "BIU 3.0". The joint goal is to incorporate new findings from basic/fundamental research directly into the development of new therapies and thus accelerate them. Research is being conducted into cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, neuropsychiatric disorders and lung diseases. There are also cross-cutting topics such as immunomodulation. BIU PhD students are trained both at Boehringer and at the university.

Young researchers pitch at the Young Researchers' Science Day
Raise funds for your own research and entertain others in the process! At the 4th Young Researchers' Science Day organised by the ProTrainU Young Researchers' Academy, young researchers will present their ideas in short talks and pitch for a total of 80,000 euros. Guest speaker "Superhero Scientist" Dr Barry W. Fitzgerald will show how to get people excited about science with Santas and superheroes.
Ukrainian-German bachelor's programme at the universities of Ulm and Kharkiv
A very special study programme in extraordinary times: The Ukrainian-German Mathematics and Computer Science degree programme combines online courses and face-to-face classes for Ukrainian students, including a double degree from Ulm University and Kharkiv National Karazin University. The programme is studied from Germany and offers excellent appointment prospects. Ukrainian students are supervised by lecturers from the mathematics discipline, the International Office and mathematics students.

Get to know Ulm University at the study information day
The Study Information Day 2024 at the end of November offers numerous students from senior classes the opportunity to get to know Ulm University as a place to study, explore a lecture hall for the first time and clarify any questions they may have about studying - also online. Contact persons from the faculties and study programmes are available for this purpose. Laboratory visits and experiments show the young people what kind of learning environment awaits them.

Five researchers from Ulm among Highly Cited Researchers
Researchers from Ulm University are among the most influential female and male scientists in the world. The Highly Cited Researchers 2024 include the "most cited minds" in their respective fields. The analysis of scientific publications includes Professors Hartmut Döhner, Steven Jansen, Fedor Jelezko and Dr Dr Kelly Del Tredici. Virologist and coronavirus researcher Professor Frank Kirchhoff is being substituted for the first time.

Students and university employees protest for better university funding
Around a thousand students, professors and other university staff - including persons from Ulm University - protest in Stuttgart in favour of adequate funding for Baden-Württemberg's universities. Professor Michael Weber, President of Ulm University and chair of the State Rectors' Conference of Universities, was among those leading the demonstration. The demonstrators are addressing their protest to the state parliament's Finance Committee, which is discussing the new higher education funding agreement at the same time. This provides for an annual increase in funding of 3.5 per cent; the demand was for 6 per cent.


DAAD prize for Chemistry master student Igor Mikhailov
Ulm University has honoured Chemistry student Igor Mikhailov with the DAAD Prize 2024. The 25-year-old Russian is interested in journalism and university politics and is an active volunteer on the election committee and the social media team of the student representatives. He was elected to the University Senate as a student substitute. Mikhailov came to Ulm four years ago to study for a Bachelor's degree. After graduating with an excellent degree, he took up a Master's programme and works as a student assistant at the Institute of Electrochemistry. The award, which is endowed with 1000 euros, goes to international students who have demonstrated outstanding coursework and are particularly committed to society.

"From light and water" - CataLight exhibition
The importance of the search for alternative forms of energy generation is demonstrated by the exhibition "Aus Licht und Wasser. On the pursuit of 'superficiality'" at the Kunstverein Ulm. Artists from the team "Künstlerische Tatsachen" have entered into dialogue with researchers from the Collaborative Research Centre/Transregio (CRC/TRR) CataLight at Ulm University and Jena University and have developed exhibits that explore the boundaries between nature and artificiality. In CataLight, scientists are developing molecular building blocks for chemical solar energy conversion modelled on natural photosynthesis. The goal is green hydrogen modelled on nature. The exhibiton can be seen until 26th January; admission is free.

Very good study conditions at Ulm University
In the latest ranking by the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE), Ulm University achieved top marks in the Master's degree programmes in Computer Science, Mathematics and Physics. Students rate the organisation of studies particularly highly: with 4.6 and 4.7 out of 5 stars respectively. The CHE ranking combines student assessments and data on research and teaching to provide an overview of the conditions for master's programmes at German universities and colleges.
Texts: Press and Public Relations
Photos: Elvira Eberhardt, Heiko Grandel, Martin Herrmann, KIT, Stefan Sättele, Janine Schmitz, Samuel Tschaffon, Daniela Stang, David Ewert, Ulm, Ulm University Hospital, Nikolaj Sleta / Wikipedia Creative Commons
The staff at Ulm University Press and Public Relations wish all members of the university and media a happy festive season and a happy new year! You can reach us again from Tuesday, 7th January 2025.