Experts for continuing education and distance learning convene in Ulm
Media-based learning in the area of continuing education
In late September, nearly 200 participants met at Ulm University for the 49th annual convention of the German Association for University Continuing and Distance Education (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Weiterbildung und Fernstudium). The focus of the event, which was co-organised by the School of Advanced Professional Studies (SAPS), was on the opportunities that emerge through digital change in the area of scientific continuing education. The convention addressed the various facets of the topic summed up under the title of “The Digital Turn – Media-Based Learning in Continuing Education”, starting with educational policy strategies and didactic concepts and going on to cover sustainable education formats and digital workshops. The Network of Open Universities organised a “market of topics”, providing participants with the opportunity to exchange views on the current developments in digitalisation in the area of continuing education. The keynote speaker was Isa Jahnke, professor of information science and learning technologies at the University of Missouri (USA). Jahnke reported on her research work in the area of digital didactic design and her experiences with asynchronous online offers designed for working students.