Alumni News 01-2019
Our Headlines
Highly Cited Researchers 2018
World’s most influential researchers include nine from Ulm University
Academic publishing remains the gold standard by which research success is measured. A total of nine researchers from Ulm University were listed among the Highly Cited Researchers 2018 (Clarivate Analytics), a stellar achievement for Baden-Württemberg’s youngest university.

University goes into its 53rd year with third-party funding record
At Ulm University’s Dies academicus, University President Professor Michael Weber reflected on the success of the past few months and pointed out prospects for the University’s future. Highlights of the ceremony included an awards show and a presentation on one of the University’s greatest successes of the last few years, the new Cluster of Excellence in the field of battery research.

Alumni News
Trading in IT consulting for the culture scene
Uni alumnus appointed new managing director of the Roxy in Ulm
After years as a business traveller, Christian Grupp took the plunge and is now the new managing director at the Roxy in Ulm. His career path may be rather unusual for a graduate of Ulm University’s Business Mathematics Programme, but Grupp is quite content with the change and his new responsibilities.

Focus Research
Researchers rejuvenate immune system
Blood-forming stem cells are key to a strong immune defence
One side effect of getting older is a weakening immune system. This not only makes seniors more susceptible to infections. Vaccinations - against the flu, for instance - become also less effective. Scientists in Ulm led by Professors Hartmut Geiger and Reinhold Schimbeck have now found a way to rejuvenate the body's defence system in a mouse model: The key to this are blood-forming stem cells. The authors furthermore demonstrated the important role of these stem cells in the ageing of the immune system. Their findings, published in the renowned science journal 'Blood', could contribute to a healthier way of ageing as well as better vaccination outcomes for senior citizens in the future.

Future-oriented research on ”explainable artificial intelligence“
Ulm University granted new AI junior professorship
Baden-Württemberg is establishing ten new professorships in the field of artificial intelligence. As part of the “Artificial Intelligence Baden-Württemberg” (KI-BW) funding programme, Ulm University is gaining a six-year junior professorship in the future-oriented research field “explainable artificial intelligence”. The Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts is providing a total of 6 million euros in funding for AI junior professorships at the Universities of Freiburg, Heidelberg, Hohenheim, Constance, Mannheim and Ulm, as well as at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). The funding covers equipment for artificial intelligence methods and applications.

Bundled expertise for energy research in Ulm
Ulm University, Ulm University of Applied Science and ZSW found centre for energy research and technology
The Ulm Science City has become a major centre of energy research. In cooperation with the Centre for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg (Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoffforschung Baden-Württemberg; ZSW), the partners Ulm University and Ulm University of Applied Science have now established a platform called “Centre for Energy Research and Technology” (Zentrum für Energieforschung und -technologie; ZET). Here a team of scientists is researching various aspects of energy, ranging from intelligent power grids to synthetic fuel and stretching from the basics to fields of application. ZET has just recently taken up operation.

Studies and Teaching
Ulm teaching project “PASST!” granted additional funding
615,000 euros for tailored support to students beginning their courses
The shortage of skilled workers in scientific and technical occupations is immense. And yet, up to 50 per cent of new students in the subjects of physics, mathematics, computer science and engineering drop out within the first three semesters of their study programme. Ulm University aims to tackle this issue with the project “PASST! Passgenau studieren in Ulm” (“It FITS! Custom-fit Studying in Ulm”), offering customised support to beginning students. The Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst; MWK) has now approved a further 615,000 euros in funding for the PASST! programme. Since 2016, Ulm University has been addressing the issue of dropout prevention by supporting students during a highly critical phase, the first two semesters of their studies. The customised offers, ranging from tutoring sessions to project work, are tailored to the respective subject and its learning culture, as well as to the individual knowledge the participants bring with them to the University. The initiators are not only targeting the typical first-semester students who come to the University directly after finishing their A levels.

Honours and Awards
The following honours and awards have been presented to researchers, instructors and students at Ulm University over the course of the past few months. Most of the information below is presented in German only:
- Helena Dyck vom RKU ist mit dem Deutschen Pflegepreis ausgezeichnet worden (Link nicht mehr verfügbar)
- Ulmer Physiker Professor Dr. Hans-Peter Müller erhält Sana Wissenschaftspreis
- Mensa der Uni Ulm für Öko-Preis nominiert
- Vergabe von 7 Preisen beim Dies academicus (Link nicht mehr verfügbar)
- Wieder gewinnt Team "Spatzenhirn" beim Carolo-Cup (Link nicht mehr verfügbar)
- Vier Ulmer Forscherinnen in Wrangell-Habilitationsprogramm aufgenommen
- Hohe Qualitätsstandards in der Händehygiene in der Uni Klinik Ulm
- 50 herausragende Studierende der Uni Ulm erhalten Deutschlandstipendium (Link nicht mehr verfügbar)
- 4 Lehrboni, 2 Forschungsboni und 2 Lehrforschungspreise der Medizin vergeben (Link nicht mehr verfügbar)
- Care-for-Rare Science Award für Prof. Dierk Niessing
- Großes Bundesverdienstkreuz für Prof. Heiko Braak (Link nicht mehr verfügbar)