
Alumni-Network of Ulm University

The university would like to stay in contact with its former students, scientists and employees and create a global network together. Use this platform to stay in touch with fellow students and other people at Ulm University. Membership in the alumni network is free of charge.

Stay informed:
We inform you 3 times a year via newsletter about ongoing developments at Ulm University as well as subject-specific topics, awards and events.

Stay in touch with the alumni office, your alumni association and fellow students. Whether you are interested in a professional exchange or make friends, here you have the opportunity to maintain and deepen your university network.


Contacts connect – stay part of Ulm University.


Prof. Dr. Ulrich Stadtmüller
Institute of number theory and probability theory
Helmholtzstraße 18
Tel.:     +49 731 50-23512
Fax:     +49 731 50-23516

Stay informed as a community member. The alumni newsletter is sent out 3 times a year.


Offers for a successful career start.

List of interesting job and career fairs throughout Germany.


Become part of our LinkedIn community.

Stay in touch with alumni and fellow students through the faculty associations.


Information on setting up a business.

Alumni news

Advanced education offers


Information material:
Alumni information flyer

u-topics the university magazine:
Click here for the magazine archive

Annual reports of Ulm University:
Click here for the annual reports

Apostille de la Haye:
For receiving an Apostille de la Haye please contact the
Ministry of Science, Research and Art Baden-Württemberg

Click here for the contact details
