
"A reliable and committed partner of ZAWiW"
University medal for Dr. Götz Hartung at the Autumn Academy

Ulm University

Freedom and democracy are the topics of the ZAWiW Autumn Academy at the University of Ulm from 23 to 26 September.For 30 years, the Centre for General Scientific Continuing Education (ZAWiW) has stood for building bridges between science and society and has excelled in continuing education in the third age. At the opening of the Academy Week on Monday, 23 September, the long-standing chairman of the ZAWiW Sponsors' Association, Dr. Götz Hartung, was awarded the medal of the University of Ulm.

The Basic Law forms the basis for the free and democratic order in Germany. However, its values are increasingly coming under pressure. How resilient is our democracy in the face of current crises? What freedoms does a democratic society need? Questions like these will be discussed by the approximately 400 participants of the Autumn Academy 2020 with speakers who, in five keynote lectures, will address the current challenges for democracy from different perspectives and present possible solutions.

The Academy Week was officially opened by Professor Michael Weber, President of the University of Ulm. In his welcoming address, Martin Ansbacher, Lord Mayor of Ulm, thanked ZAWiW for its excellent work. Professor Frank Kargl, spokesperson of the ZAWiW management team, looked back at the beginnings of the academy weeks and linked them to the 30th anniversary of ZAWiW with an award: Dr. Götz Hartung, former chairman of the ZAWiW Sponsors' Association, was honoured by Professor Michael Weber for his many years of service with the medal of the University of Ulm. Hartung had already supported ZAWiW in its efforts to build bridges between science and urban society when he was head of the Department of Culture, Social Affairs and Human Resources at the City of Ulm. He was the chairman of the ZAWiW Sponsors' Association for a total of 19 years. Hartung was a reliable and committed partner for ZAWiW, as well as a constant advocate, establishing contacts and raising funds. The 85-year-old, who continues to be active on the board of the Förderkreis, was surprised by the honour: "I have been very close to ZAWiW from the very beginning. The idea of scientific further education for everyone convinced me, and I am grateful for the many impulses and scientific insights that have been carried from the university into city politics and society."

The opening lecture was given by Professor Ulrike Ackermann, founder of the John Stuart Mill Institute for Freedom Research. The political scientist and sociologist analysed the threats to freedom and democracy worldwide and took a critical look at the increasing polarisation within Western societies.

In addition to the daily lectures, visitors to the Autumn Academy can choose to participate in afternoon workshops to explore individual topics in greater depth. There are also excursions and guided tours, as well as an exhibition on how to deal with anti-democratic and inhuman language. A get-together with a lecture and an 'anniversary concert' are also planned for the big birthday.


Text and media contact: Daniela Stang

About 400 participants came to the Autumn Academy at Ulm University to discuss the topic "Freedom and Democracy" (Photo: Elvira Eberhardt/Ulm University)
President Prof. Michael Weber (right) presents the Ulm University Medal to Dr Götz Hartung, long-time chairman of the ZAWiW Sponsors' Association (Photo: Elvira Eberhardt/Ulm University)