Ulm and Neu-Ulm are international. The two cities welcomed their international students together with a formal reception. This year around 800 young people from different nations are studying at Ulm University, Ulm University of Applied Sciences and Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences. During the ceremony, students from Bahrain and Bangladesh were awarded the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Prize for their academic achievements and social engagement.
'We are delighted that you are spending your time abroad in Ulm and Neu-Ulm and are hence broadening your horizons,' welcomes Elis Schmeer the numerous students. She heads Ulm's Coordination Center International City. 'Don't forget to explore the region and make new friends beyond your time-consuming studies. Enjoy your stay and you will quickly feel at home,' says Schmeer.
Three students were awarded the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Prize in the amount of €1000 each as recognition of their academic achievements and social engagement. Prize winner at Ulm University is the student Vigneshwar Dhamodhafan from Bahrain. He is aiming for a master's degree in Communications Technology and is currently doing an internship at Continental AG in Munich. Immediately after starting his studies in Ulm, the 24-year-old got involved with the 'Ulmer Tafel' and helped sort the donated groceries. Vigneshwar Dhamodhafan was also active as an IT consultant in the institutionalised student body of Ulm University. For his excellent academic achievements, he has already received the 2018 Award for Young Students. The DAAD Prize was awarded by the Vice President for Cooperations at Ulm University, Professor Klaus-Michael Debatin.
The students Nafisa Taskia and Fahmin Rahman from Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) were handed their Prize by Vice President Professor Julia Kormann. Both prize winners come from Bangladesh and are studying in the master's programme 'International Enterprise Information Management'. Nafisa Taskia and Fahmin Rahman wanted to improve the living conditions of disadvantaged people in their homeland and therefore developed the prototype of an environmentally friendly oven and a bus ramp for wheelchair users. The HNU-students share the prize.
Text and media contact: Daniela Stang
Ulm and Neu-Ulm welcome students from all over the world
DAAD Prizes for academic achievements and social engagement
Ulm University
Ulm University