
StartupSÜD enters the next round
Baden-Württemberg is strengthening established start-up support at regional universities

Ulm University

The university network for start-up support StartupSÜD is reorganising! To this end, the joint project of Ulm University and the Universities of Applied Sciences Ulm and Biberach is expanding to include new partners: Aalen University, the University of Design Schwäbisch Gmünd and the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University, Heidenheim campus. Together, the network aims to make founding companies from the universities more attractive, identify groundbreaking ideas early on and network those interested in founding companies. The Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science is funding six start-up networks in the state with up to 1.8 million euros annually over the next four years.

The StartupSÜD joint project was launched in 2020 to support researchers and students at the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences and Biberach (HBC), the Ulm University of Applied Sciences (THU) and the University of Ulm who are interested in setting up their own business in order to implement their ideas in start-ups. Since then, the network has become an established brand for start-up support in the southwest. The interdisciplinary teaching format "Gründergarage", for example, was created, in which students from various universities are made aware of entrepreneurship and try out their own initial startup ideas, or the StartupSÜD SUMMIT, where startups present themselves together with regional companies and universities. The cross-border network, which runs until 2024, was supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection within the EXIST-Potentials funding line.

"I am delighted that we are able to continue the successful network of regional universities with this state funding. The aim of the funding will also be to expand the network to include new partners, thus making it even more attractive for everyone involved," says Vice President Professor Michael Kühl, who is responsible for cooperation at Ulm University.

The network is funded under the "INSPIRE BW Hubs" programme (Incubation-Hubs for New Startups, Products and Innovative Research based Enterprises in Baden-Württemberg) of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts. "With this project, we want to integrate the academic startup ecosystem of East Württemberg into the Ulm/Biberach region network. We are looking forward to three new strong university partners," explains Dr. Birgit Stelzer, Managing Director of the Entrepreneurs Campus at Ulm University. The university will take on the role of spokesperson in the new network.

Each university contributes its strengths to the existing network under the motto "From the minds, for the world": Aalen University, which is strong in research and start-ups, is opening up new areas of focus, particularly in the field of technology. The University of Applied Sciences for Design Schwäbisch Gmünd (HfG) contributes its many years of experience in the use of requirement-oriented and practical learning formats, as well as a multi-perspective approach. The Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW), Heidenheim campus, provides valuable impetus in the area of entrepreneurial spirit among the staff, as well as in alumni work and cooperation with companies.

With its new "INSPIRE BW Hubs" programme, the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts is strengthening the decentralised start-up potential at the individual universities throughout the state, networking them with each other and thus creating a link to further start-up projects and ecosystems – including those from the private sector. StartupSÜD is one of six regional start-up networks in the state. "Research and knowledge-based startups and spin-offs are of strategic importance for securing the competitiveness of Baden-Württemberg as a centre of innovation. In order to provide even better support for founders from the scientific community on their way to setting up their own company, we are promoting cooperation between universities in six INSPIRE BW hubs," explains Science Minister Petra Olschowski.

StartupSÜD will continue to provide proven and established support services for students, research assistants and postdocs. The "Gründergarage" teaching format will also be introduced at the new universities. Start-up advisors will meet regularly, create reports and develop a common coaching standard.

An annual ideas competition will be held, in which institutes across the network can submit final theses or exciting projects. In addition, other formats such as the StartupSÜD Summit or excursions will be opened up to participants from all universities.


Text and media contact: Daniela Stang




Members of the university start-up network: Marcel Moser, HBC project manager; Prof. Andreas Ladurner, Prorector HS Aalen; Prof. Christian Dettmann, Prorector THU; Dr. Mirjam Folger, DHBW Heidenheim; Dr. Birgit Stelzer, CEO Entrepreneurs Campus Uni Ulm, Prof. Heike Frühwirth, Prorector HBC; Matthias Held, HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd; Prof. Steffen Reik, Project Leader THU; Prof. Michael Kühl, Vice President Uni Ulm (f.l.) (Photo: Melanie Kamrath/Uni Ulm)
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StartupSÜD is a joint project of universities from the region. The joint mission: to make starting a business from a university more attractive and identify pioneering ideas at an early stage (Foto: Startup Süd)