Over four days (24 to 27 March), the Spring Academy at Ulm University sheds light on the benefits and effects of Medicine. Almost 400 participants in their third year of life attend the continuing education week organised by the Centre for General Continuing Academic Education (Zentrum für Allgemeine Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung - ZAWiW) on site at Ulm University and online. Professor Thomas Wirth, Dean of Medical Faculty, gave his opening lecture "Medicine - Quo vadis?" about the rapid changes and future developments in cancer medicine.
The participants of this year's Spring Academy were welcomed by Vice President Professor Michael Kühl. Katrin Albsteiger, Mayor of the City of Neu-Ulm, and Ulrich Soldner, Chairman of ZAWiW's sponsoring organisation, contributed words of welcome. Managing director Dr Markus Marquard presented the programme for the coming days and also welcomed the 50 or so guests connected online.
The other lectures at the Spring Academy will focus on health policy, the acquisition of health literacy, the genetic risk of tumour diseases and personalised immunotherapies for chronic inflammatory diseases. Tickets for the lectures are still available for 15 euros each from the ZAWiW-secretariat or directly on site at the Infopoint in the Forum.
In addition to lectures, the academy week also offers the opportunity to have a closer look at the title topic in working groups in the afternoon, during the lunch break and in the Wednesday programmes, or to focus on completely different questions and content. This year, the spectrum ranges from theatre as a "fountain of youth" to "AI in everyday life" and green hydrogen as an energy source. For the first time, Master's students from the Sustainable Management study programme will be organising two working groups on the topics of "Sufficient mobility" and, in collaboration with Fridays for Future Ulm/Neu-Ulm, "The climate crisis from the perspective of young activists". "We want to make our offer better known to students and also encourage exchange between the generations," says Markus Marquard, Managing Director of ZAWiW.
A knowledge market on Thursday lunchtime invites participants to meet and exchange ideas with each other and with researchers from the University. From 12:00 to 14:00, the Ulm locations of the German Centres for Medical Research, the Collaborative Research Centres of the University, for example on trauma or ageing research, as well as other research projects and other institutions will be presenting themselves in the forum.
ZAWiW-secretariat: Tel: 0731/50-26601, info(at)zawiw.de
Text and media contact: Daniela Stang