
"Ulm University plays an important role in quantum science with pioneering research" - Science Minister Petra Olschowski visits university campus

Ulm University

Magnetic resonance imaging and GPS navigation are based on quantum mechanical functions. However, quantum mechanics should also enable tap-proof communication and highly sensitive sensors in the future. Quantum computers could help with simulations or personalised drug development. Science Minister Petra Olschowski learned about Ulm University's central role in pioneering research into quantum science during a visit on Thursday, 6 June.

The state minister was welcomed by Professor Joachim Ankerhold, spokesperson for the state-wide innovation campus for quantum technologies QuantumBW and head of the Institute for Complex Quantum Systems at Ulm University. He presented research projects at the Ulm site and their integration into QuantumBW and discussed current challenges with the Science Minister. He also presented various activities aimed at publicising the research field of quantum science - from school labs to science slams. "We are delighted to be able to present to the Minister the extensive activities in the quantum field on the campus, which are an integral part of the new Innovation Campus. The generous and long-term funding provided by the state is crucial for this still young technology with high innovation potential," says Professor Ankerhold.

Science Minister Petra Olschowski was impressed by the research activities of the scientists in the field of quantum physics phenomena. "As a founding member of the state initiative QuantumBW, Ulm University is driving quantum technology forward - from basic research to application areas such as quantum computing, medical imaging and sensor technology. In this way, the interdisciplinary researchers are strengthening Baden-Württemberg's outstanding position in this field of innovation. Between theory and practice, optimal conditions are also being created for the promotion of young talent: the new Ulm Master's degree programme 'Quantum Engineering' is training the sought-after specialists and managers of tomorrow - for science, industry and the innovative strength of the state. At the Ministry of Science, we are eagerly following the second quantum revolution, to which our QuantumBW innovation campus can make a significant contribution. We are supporting this future-oriented research to the best of our ability," says Petra Olschowski.

Researchers are focussing on the manipulation of tiny particles in artificial diamonds

The Science Minister then visited a laboratory at the Center for Quantum BioSciences (ZQB), where researchers have access to a customised infrastructure. The ZQB (Managing Director Professor Martin Plenio) serves as the central infrastructure in Baden-Württemberg for understanding quantum effects in highly complex systems and developing new forms of sensor and imaging technology. The Ulm site thus forms an important pillar of the QuantumBW innovation platform, which is initially focussing primarily on the development of quantum sensing in areas such as medical diagnostics and materials science.

The Science Minister then exchanged ideas with three physics students from bachelor's to doctoral level and promoted studying STEM subjects. The training and further education of young scientists and specialists for science and industry is one of QuantumBW's key areas of activity.


About the QuantumBW innovation campus
QuantumBW builds on an already strong and successful network of science and industry, in which the partners are already cooperating successfully in a variety of ways. In QuantumBW, the state pools these competences and creates an overarching umbrella brand that further strengthens these networks and makes them more visible internationally. The QuantumBW office serves as a central point of contact. It is managed by the Centre for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology IQST at the University of Stuttgart and Ulm University together with Fraunhofer IAF and Fraunhofer IAO and is jointly funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and Arts and the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism. The state is initially providing around 32 million euros from 2023 to 2027 for the development of the QuantumBW innovation campus model. (Source: QuantumBW)


Research profile quantum research at Ulm University


Text and media contact: Daniela Stang


"Welcome to THE NERD LÄND" also applies to Science Minister Petra Olschowski's visit to Ulm University: Prof Joachim Ankerhold, spokesperson for the QuantumBW innovation campus; doctoral student Miriam Resch; Lara Thullner and Yannik Gerdes, physics students; Science Minister Petra Olschowski; Martin Rivoir, member of the state parliament and University President Prof Michael Weber (from left) (Photo: MWK)
Science Minister Petra Olschowski (2nd from right) and Prof Joachim Ankerhold, spokesperson for QuantumBW (3rd from left), learn about quantum sensor technology in the laboratory of Prof Fedor Jelezko (left) (Photo: Daniela Stang/Uni Ulm)
In conversation with physics students and doctoral candidates: Minister of Science Petra Olschowski (centre) during her visit to Ulm University (Photo: Daniela Stang/Uni Ulm)