
In the fields of medicine, natural sciences, mathematics and technology, scientists overcome the limits of the known every day and transfer their findings to society and economy. Ulm University's transfer activities underpin the University's guiding theme: Crossing Borders. 

Ulm University defines transfer as a multidimensional communication and exchange process between science, society, economy and politics. The various dimensions of the transfer serve as orientation framework – from research collaborations to scientific advice to citizen dialogue. This goes hand in hand with the University's active integration in innovation ecosystems and interconnectedness with regional, national and international transfer actors. In all of this, the University is committed to sustainable and responsible action. With unique scientific expertise and strong partners, the University acts as impulse generator in the region.

Prof. Dr. Michael Kühl
Vice President Outreach
Phone: +49 (0)731/50-22012

Research transfer

New findings and new technologies have considerable potential for utilisation. The University strives to actively increase this utilisation potential. Contractual research collaborations with companies, such as BIU and DriveU, as well as contract research and rendition of services, as in the case of DASU and IPRI, are the basis of the research-based transfer. The University develops, operates and maintains a research-supporting infrastructure and makes these core facilities available to external parties. In-house inventions are secured with intellectual property rights via the IP management of the Department I.


In order to empower entrepreneurship, Ulm University offers targeted educational, qualification and support formats, sometimes involving partners from outside science in teaching and learning formats at all levels of education. The Entrepreneur Campus provides support across all faculties and institutions to promote entrepreneurial thinking and action and to help develop start-up skills and an entrepreneurial mindset for solving global challenges. The Entrepreneur Campus actively supports start-up projects from the initial idea to the spin-off company with the help of industry experts and coaches.

Knowledge transfer - science dialogue

The University actively communicates new findings and their potential for application, for example, through the offers of the Botanical Garden, the Spring and Autumn Academy, or the Children's University of the Centre for General Continuing Academic Education (Zentrum für Allgemeine Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung; ZAWIW). Another example of active science communication are the talk series 'Ulmer Denkanstösse' of the Humboldt Study Centre. The ZAWIW Citizen Science projects enable citizens to participate in research projects, thus providing the opportunity to develop solutions in direct collaboration with the citizens.
To make scientific findings accessible to companies and their employees, Ulm University facilitates continuing academic education for working professionals, for example through SAPS. This creates offers and dialogues that serve as a source of impulses for current profession-specific challenges.

Relationship Management

Ulm University's active relationship management with the region's transfer ecosystem opens up access to additional infrastructure or formats. Ulm University interacts, for example, with the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) or the City of Ulm as well as other partners from higher education, economy and society. The University is involved in the transfer alliance InnoSÜD and StartUpSÜD as well as TFU GmbH.

Image sources:
Elvira Eberhardt
Heiko Grandel
Webdesign and editing: melanie.kamrath(at)