Mathematical programmes
Your future as a student? Written with two u’s. Especially when it’s in one of our maths programmes. You can count on us when studying STEM subjects because we - and therefore you - are at the forefront when it comes to really good teaching.
Keep the world running
Without maths, our everyday lives would look completely different because we come across maths everywhere. That's why the world needs maths. And you.
The maths add up
If you study maths today, you can be relaxed about the future. After all, mathematicians are in demand in many areas and you have very good career prospects.
Small numbers
With small course sizes, you are not an anonymous number at the Uni. On the contrary. You can look forward to individual and personalised support during your studies.
Best prospects
Maths graduates have plenty of options when it comes to finding their dream job Because our graduates are in high demand.
Strong local ties
At Ulm University, we work closely with local and regional companies and organisations. This means that you can make valuable contacts with regional hidden champions during your studies.
Think beyond borders
Why not take the plunge and spend a year in the USA? Our top exchange programmes with American universities make it possible.
Suitable degree programmes
The combination of applied mathematics, computer science, engineering and natural sciences is in high demand in research and industry as the need for modelling and simulation in areas such as the energy transition will continue to increase. This degree programme is a cooperation between Ulm University and Ulm University of Applied Sciences.
In this innovative programme, you will learn how to conduct medical, epidemiological and pharmaceutical studies and evaluate real data. This is not only super interesting, but also offers you excellent career opportunities, particularly in the MedTech or pharmaceutical industry.
An application-oriented programme that integrates the key components of maths, economics and computer science. Later on, you will have excellent opportunities to apply your knowledge at financial service providers, insurance companies, management consultancies or software companies.
Maths means the world because without maths there would be no neural network, no train timetable, no secure online communication, no mobile phone and no weather forecast.
No worries. We offer even more future-proof degree programmes.
What else you need to know
If you are not yet sure what exactly you want to study or if you have questions about a specific degree programme, our central student advisory services or our course advisors will be happy to help you. After the click, you will also find our counselling services for students with family responsibilities, studying with a disability or information on get-to-know activities for prospective students.