
Bachelor of Science (BSc)


Psychology deals with the question of human experiences (e.g. How do cognitive and thought processes work? How does learning, memory and speech work? How do motivation and emotions arise?) and human behaviour (e.g. How do humans behave in groups? How do different personalities react to the same stimulus? How does interpersonal communication work?).

More about the course

Psychology, being the science about human experience and behaviour, tries to explain and unterstand these. Different aspects are studied, depending on the subject.

Whether it is in education, clinics or organisations – psychology also has the purpose of developing models and recommendations to improve the well-being and potential of humans on an individual and societal level.

In honour of the tradition of science at Ulm University, this Bachelor's programme in Psychology is not only practice-relevant but also research-oriented and enables graduates to think and work scientifically.

Because of the new law concerning the education to become a therapist (Psychotherapeutengesetz, PsychThG) the B.Sc. Psychology as well as the M.Sc. Psychology are being modified. Please click here  for further information on this topic.

Academic Degree

Bachelor of Science (BSc)

Type of Study
  • full-time
Start of Study
  • each winter semester
University Place


Course Language
  • German and English
Admission Requirements
  • restricted (for further information see 'Application')
ECTS Credits


Standard Period of Study