Psychology - Master of Science (MSc)

The integration of the Institute of Psychology and Education into the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Sciences affords innovative research opportunities at the interface between human and machine. Our students are involved in the Institute's research activities through practical research experiences and their final thesis projects.

Key data

Type of programme

Master of Science (MSc)

Type of study
  • full-time
Study curriculum

Information on the study curriculum


Information for applicants

Admission regulations

further information

Start of programme
  • each winter semester
Available places per year


Language of instruction
  • German, partly English
  • restricted (for further information see 'Application')
ECTS credit points


Standard period of study (semester)



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More about the course

The Master’s programme Psychology at Ulm University teaches in depth:

  • research methods and scientific work methods,
  • fundamental principles of psychological research (in the subjects Measurement, Testing and Evaluation, Biological Psychology and Neuropsychology as well as Cognition and Self-Regulation), 
  • scientific and occupation-qualifying competences in the various fields of application of Psychology (Clinical Psychology, Health and Wellbeing, Human Resources and Organisation, Human Factors and Training).

Because of the new law concerning the education to become a therapist (Psychotherapeutengesetz, PsychThG) the B.Sc. Psychology as well as the M.Sc. Psychology are being modified. Please click here  for further information on this topic.

The preliminary study plan can be found here.

Student Association Psychology
Service Learning


Information on admission can be found on the pages of the Zulassungsabteilung (admissions office). The admissions officers will answer questions regarding admission. 

Information about the “Mastertest” can be downloaded here (only available in German language).

The M.Sc. Psychology at Ulm University is accredited since November 2016.

Psychology at Ulm University is characterised by its strong research focus. Students are involved in research projects and have the opportunity to work with renowned scientists.

Innovative learning concepts, small student groups as well as personal support and close interaction with lecturers create an exceptional study experience.
In honour of its sientific tradition, Ulm University teaches its students in-depth subject-specific knowledge as well as methodological and application-oriented competencies.
The programme combines a practical orientation with research focus and graduates practitioners with the capacity to think and work scientifically.
Well-established cooperations exist with a variety of clinics in the region (e.g. Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Ulm, Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy Ulm) and industrial enterprises.
This affords our students numerous opportunities for internships and research projects outside of Ulm University.
Since the winter semester 2014/2015 we also offer the English-taught Master’s programme Cognitive Systems, which combines the disciplines of Computer Science and Psychology.

Graduates gain theoretical and practical understanding of the causes and effects of human behaviour, experience and consciousness, and the ability to develop and apply relevant explanatory models. Our graduates know basic and advanced methodological approaches and their pros and cons – not just in theory but also from their own experience gained in empirical project seminars.

Their methodological knowledge in connection with insights into all sub-disciplines of Psychology empowers them to apply scientifically founded principles and to work independently in the practical and scientific areas of Psychology.

Graduates have in-depth knowledge of the fundamental theoretical approaches in the fundamental subjects (Biopsychological Psychology and Neuropsychology; Measurement, Testing and Evaluation, Cognition and Self-Regulation) as well as specialised knowledge in their chosen areas of emphasis (Clinical Psychology, Health Psychology, Human Resources and Organisational Psychology, Human – Factors and Training).

Specialisations in the Master’s programme

Students can choose their specialisation from the following applied subjects:

  • Clinical Psychology
  • Health Psychology
  • Human Resources and Organisational Psychology
  • Human Factors and Training


The Institute, the Faculty and the University all provide great opportunities to build on each of these applied subjects.

The collaboration with the Medical Faculty and its Psychiatric Clinics as well as the Neurology, Epidemiology and Psychosomatic are a great enrichment for the programme, particularly for the applied subjects ‘Clinical Psychology‘ and ‘Health Psychology‘.

The applied subjects ‘Human Factors and Training‘ and ‘Human Resources and Organisational Psychology‘ are closely interwoven with the courses of the Faculty, the Computer Sciences, Engineering and also the Economics (e.g. Health Economics) and are therefore obvious fields of application. The integration of Psychology into the Faculty of Computer Sciences and Engineering creates a great proximity to technical subjects.

‘Human Factors and Training‘ has a strong focus on user-centred development and assessment of new technologies, but also emphasises the area of media-based learning, among others.

Programme structure

The programme usually consists of 4 semesters throughout which the students are required to achieve 120 credit points (ECTS) in total. The study modules are organised in the following areas:

1. Advanced Fundamentals (10 ECTS)
These lectures teach further in-depth knowledge in the basic subjects of Psychology. Additional seminars and research-oriented specialisations offer opportunities to engage in current questions from a research perspective.

2. Research Methods and Diagnostics (12+8 ECTS)
The fundamental modules around Research Methods and Diagnostics teach practice-related knowledge of empirical research methods and diagnostic procedures, with particular emphasis on advanced methods like, e.g. multivariate procedures.

3. Applied Modules (12 +12 ECTS)
Students choose two from the following topics (12 ECTS each)

  • Clinical Psychology
    Deepening of disorder-specific knowledge and fundamental psychotherapeutic treatment options
  • Health Psychology
    Deepening of methods and application areas of health psychology with a particular focus on the topic of prevention
  • Human Resources and Organisational Psychology
    Deepening in the areas of human resources and organisational psychology as preparation for tasks in staff selection as well as staff and business development
  • Human Factors and Training
    (1) Deepening in general topics and methods of human – technology interaction; special emphasis on driver – vehicle interaction and media design
    (2) Deepening in the areas of teaching – learning research, media psychology and media pedagogy; design of media-based learning tools for tertiary, professional and continuing education, staff development and psychoeducation


4. Internship and project seminars (16 + 12 ECTS)

The internship involves a 12-week work placement. Project seminars can be research- or application-oriented. Research-oriented project seminars are a platform to independently work on a research-relevant question by way of an empirical study. After a seminar-style theoretical introduction, students work together in small groups on operationalisation, experiment planning as well as data collection, reduction and analysis. Examples for application-oriented project seminars are clinical case study seminars or the facilitation of assessment centres in the fields of human resources and organisational psychology.

Further modules

Additionally there are the module ‚Communication of Scientific Results‘ (8 ECTS) and the master‘s thesis (30 ECTS). Both have a strong focus on scientific work.

For partner universities and the ERASMUS programme in Psychology click here.
ERASMUS coordinator for Psychology is Prof. Dr. Iris Kolassa.

The International Office also offers a variety of pathways to international experiences.

Career perspectives

The standard degree in Psychology is a Master’s degree. Thus, to be considered qualified for a profession, a consecutive Master’s programme is usually required.
Potential occupational opportunities are manifold for graduates:
Work and Organisational Psychology, e.g.: aptitude testing, staff selection and development, job analysis and design.
Clinical Psychology, e.g.: clinical-psychological diagnostics, consulting and support of measures for health promotion and prevention.
Educational Psychology, e.g.: diagnostics and treatment of learning disorders, educational counselling, adult education. For some professions (like psychotherapist) the continuing education is regulated by law, for many others additional qualifications are recommended.