Master of Science (MSc)
Media Informatics
More about the course
The programme prepares graduates to scientifically tackle open questions of Media Informatics. They acquire both methodological and research competences. Students can choose from a broad range of application-oriented, project-related teaching/learning formats in areas of specialisation like Interactive Systems, Video, Animation, Computer Vision or Ubiquitous Computing.
Master of Science (MSc)
- full-time
- each winter and summer semester
- German, partly English
- no restriction
Excellent teacher to student ratio
The generous teacher to student ratio in our Media Informatics programme allows for an exceptionally good support of our students.
Reasonably sized classes and tutorial, active encouragement of study groups and additional offers like programming workshops and electronic learning platforms help our students to ease into this versatile programme, especially during their first semesters.
Research orientation and specialisation
The master's programme is an in-depth specialisation that builds on the bachelor's programme and comes with a comprehensive range of subjects. Students also have the opportunity to actively work in research projects as part of their project components or master’s thesis.
Application and practice orientation
A so-called applied subject complements the subject-specific programme.
Applied subjects provide insights into specialised areas, which creates a basis for potential application areas of media informatics practitioners:
Interactive Systems, Animation, Computer Vision, Interactive Video, Media Education/Media Psychology, Human-Machine Dialogue Systems, Ubiquitous Computing.
The master’s programme (4 semesters, 120 ECTS, MSc) teaches in-depth specialised methodological and personal competences. Graduates are able to work scientifically and independently, plan research processes and develop solution strategies. The individually specialised master’s degree serves as preparation for a doctorate or as concrete career orientation. The degrees are equivalent to qualification level 7 of the German qualification framework and level 2 of the qualification framework for German higher education degrees.
Knowledge: Our graduates have acquired advanced and comprehensive knowledge of engineering, mathematics, computer science and natural sciences. This enables them to work scientifically and act responsibly in their jobs and in society. They have a critical conscience towards new findings in their discipline.
Skills: Our graduates are able to
- analyse and solve scientific problems, even if they are unusual and not conclusively defined and come with competing specifications,
- abstract and frame complex problems in a new or developing area,
- apply innovative methods in foundational research-oriented problem solving and develop new scientific methods,
- develop concepts and solutions for complex and sometimes unusual questions and integrating other disciplines as needed,
- create and develop new works, products, processes and methods,
- apply their scientific judgement as engineers or computer scientists in order to work with complex and potentially incomplete information, recognise and handle contradictions.
Competences: Our graduates have the competence to
- recognise information requirements, find and obtain information,
- plan and conduct theoretical and experimental studies,
- evaluate data critically and draw conclusions,
- analyse and assess the application of new and emerging technologies.
Beyond their qualification from their bachelor’s studies, our graduates are able to
- methodologically classify and systematically combine knowledge from various areas and deal with complexity,
- quickly understand and systematically tackle new tasks,
- systematically reflect upon non-technical effects of engineering and consider them in their actions,
- question existing methods critically and redevelop them if necessary.
The master's programme expands on the general qualifications acquired in the bachelor’s programme.
The first semester of the master’s programme covers fundamentals, the following semesters teach specialised contents. Students can choose between a consistent in-depth education in one of the specialisations and a more broad education based on a variety of disciplines of the computer sciences. Computer Science in Ulm is diverse and offers all important sub-areas of computer science as specialisations. The allocation of modules and subjects is explained in detail in the module handbook.
The general core subject is reduced to 24 credit points: 12 ECTS in Practical and Applied Informatics (PAI), 6 ECTS in Technical and System-Oriented Informatics (TSI) and 6 ECTS in Theoretical and Mathematical Methods of Informatics (TMI). The remaining 12 ECTS of the 36 core subject credit points are obtained in the core subject Media Informatics. The applied subject is limited to the applied subject Media Informatics, from which modules amounting to 12 ECTS must be completed. The Media Informatics master's programme is otherwise structured identically to the master's programme Computer Science.
Available choices in the areas 'specialisation' and 'applied subject'.
Applied subjects
- Driver Assistance Systems and Autonomic Driving
- Advanced Mobile Application Engineering
- User Interfaces for Computer-Aided Engineering
- Image-Processing Systems in Medicine
- Computer Vision
- Dialogue Systems
- Interactive Systems
- Interactive Video
- Cognitive Ergonomics
- Media-Based Learning and Instruction
- Human–Technology Interaction
- Simulation of Neural Networks
- Ubiquitous Computing
Specialisation subjects
- Computer Vision
- Embedded Systems
- High-Performance Computing
- Informatics and Society
- Information Systems
- Information Theory
- Intelligent Systems
- IT Security
- Media Informatics
- Human – Machine Dialogue Systems
- Pattern Recognition
- Neuroinformatics
- Software Engineering and Compiler Construction
- Theoretical Computer Science
- Distributed Systems
The world is coming together – that is also and particularly true for science. International experience is an increasingly important asset to successfully compete in the job market. Students at Ulm University can apply for one or two semesters abroad with numerous universities – both in Europe as part of the ERASMUS+ programme and at universities outside of Europe.
For Computer Science programmes we have partner universities, for example, in Estonia, Finland, France, Italy, Holland, Norway and Spain. The International Office provides further information.
Depending on your goals, you may find the following links helpful:
Semester abroad
Internship abroad
- Pathways to internships abroad - internship agencies
- Pathways to internships abroad - funding options
Writing your final thesis abroad
Career perspectives
Applied subjects provide insights into specialised areas, which creates a basis for potential work areas for media informatics practitioners:
Our cooperations with the industry provide the opportunity for our students to gain direct insights into industrial practice. External projects, bachelor's and master’s theses as well as study-related part-time work allow students to obtain relevant experiences and establish useful contacts.
Ulm University, situated on the axis Stuttgart - Munich, is embedded in a traditionally highly technical industrial environment with a very strong smaller and medium-sized business sector as well as large companies and corporations like BMW, Bosch, CassidIAn, Daimer (research centre), EADS, HP, IBM, Liebherr, Nokia, NSN, Porsche, Siemens and Zeiss, to name just a few. The smaller and medium-sized business sector shapes the economy in Baden-Württemberg and many of these companies are internationally active and global leaders in their specialised areas.
Smaller and medium-sized IT companies are increasingly and particularly seeking employees with a research-oriented higher education as foundation for their research-intensive product development. Computer Science graduates therefore have outstanding career opportunities, both locally and internationally, in any of our offered specialisations and study subjects.
The numerous research cooperations Ulm University maintains with these companies give our students the chance to gain practical experience through internships or study-related part-time work. The final thesis is another opportunity to work on relevant research and development questions in a practical setting. The broad and method-oriented education provides optimal conditions for desirable entry positions in research and development in these enterprises.
Another option are entry positions in technic-related areas like technical sales or production. There is currently a much greater demand for qualified computer scientists than graduates are available.
Entry opportunities in public authorities and administrations are an alternative to an industrial career path.
The broad scientific, method-oriented education furthermore qualifies master's graduates for research positions. The University, its associated institutes and the Science City offer a vast range of opportunities for research positions and doctorates.
Campus life
Fachschaft Computer Science (subject-related student representatives)
Academic Affairs Committee
Dean of Studies: Prof. Dr. Birte Glimm
Course advisor: Dr. Markus Maucher
PRO MINT & MED student advocates
Chairman Examination Board: Prof. Dr. Enno Ohlebusch
Assistant affairs Computer Science: Traude Graser
Study abroad: Professor Dr.-Ing. Frank Slomka Ph.D Sabine Habermalz (ERASMUS, International Office), Brigitte Baur (BW exchange programmes, International Office)
You can find most contacts in the online address book of the University.