Mathematical Biometry

Master of Science (MSc)

Mathematical Biometry

The innovative study programme Mathematical Biometry combines knowledge from mathematics, statistics and life sciences. This combination of qualifications is sought after in cases for the planning, implementation and evaluation of medical, epidemiological and pharmaceutical studies. Mathematical Biometry graduates have a good command of mathematical and statistical methods and extra knowledge of medical and biological basics. They are furthermore able to apply their knowledge in practice and utilise what modern information technology has to offer.

The master’s programme Mathematical Biometry expands and deepens the knowledge acquired in the bachelor's programme. Students have the opportunity to choose between several topics to specialise their studies.

This is not an English-taught programme, there are several modules that must be completed in German. Students who wish to participate in the programme need to proof their German language proficiency.

More about the course

Mathematical Biometry is an integrative degree programme that teaches and ties together knowledge of applied mathematics, informatics and life sciences. The master’s programme Mathematical Biometry enables students to independently analyse data from the life sciences and is therefore also attractive for students who have a bachelor's degree in Mathematics with a minor in Life Sciences (Biology, Medicine).

Academic Degree

Master of Science (MSc)

Type Of Study
  • full-time
Admission regulations:

further information

Start Of Study
  • each summer and winter semester
Course Language
  • German, partly English
Admission Requirements
  • no restriction
ECTS Credits


Standard Period Of Study