
Bachelor of Science (BSc)


Chemistry is without a doubt a fascinating science – a progressive future would be unthinkable without it. It is used in research laboratories to develop new materials and substances which accompany us in daily life as seemingly invisible helpers. Chemical reactions are found both in the biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) world. The art of transferring knowledge derived from nature into research and development never ceases to inspire researchers the world over. Chemistry provides a richness of perspectives, professional variety and is an important component of the sustainable development of our social prosperity. Especially the production, conversion and storage of energy are fundamentally important chemical issues for current and future generations.

More about the course

Much of what seems self-evident to us today has only become possible because of long-standing chemical research and development over the past decades. The modern achievements in the areas of raw materials, computer engineering and microelectronics, but definitively also everything related to new materials, e.g. improved heat insulation, hydrogen and fuel cell technology, energy-saving LED lighting systems and the progress in medicine are certainly among the highlights.  So, is this as good as it gets?  On the contrary! The coming generations of chemists still have many tasks to face and the professional perspectives are as varied as attractive and also very well paid.  Challenges of our current times are, for example, the protection and preservation of the environment, the fight against diseases, the concerns about sufficient nutrition for the growing world population, securing energy supplies, the development of new materials and alternative raw material sources.  Chemistry will shape the future actively in all these areas and in many other ways.

Academic Degree

Bachelor of Science (BSc)

Type of Study
  • full-time
Start of Study
  • each winter semester
Course Language
  • German
Admission Requirements
  • no restriction
ECTS Credits


Standard Period of Study



Modern open-plan laboratories for experimental chemistry practicals

From the very beginning, experimental training; (akad.: ) education has been a high priority in the chemistry degree programme. The basic and advanced chemistry practicals take place in modern open-plan laboratories, while the research-oriented project practicals take place in the laboratories of the working groups and institutes.

Programme content

The Bachelor's degree programme is dominated by compulsory courses, which all students take equally. Comparable to the trunk of a tree, this basic training ensures a solid level of competence in the most essential concepts of Chemistry, which are indispensable for all later activities. With the first elective options from the later stages of the Bachelor's degree, you then have the opportunity to increasingly individualise your studies and tailor them to your own strengths and interests. Lectures provide you with an overview and essential connections to topics in the various fields of Chemistry. The concepts and content are problematised and applied in accompanying exercises and/or seminars. Parallel to this, the experimental application of the content takes place as part of extensive laboratory practicals. Practicals make up about half of the chemistry programme, the rest is theory. Courses (resp. specify exactly: lecture, tutorial etc.) in experimental physics and Mathematics provide the necessary knowledge for the core subject of Chemistry at the beginning of the programme. Soft skills and/or languages (e.g. specialised English) as well as legal studies and toxicology round off the overall package.

Study situation

Chemistry as a classical Natural Sciences does not stand still. Research and Development are constantly progressing. There is a great need for well-trained specialists across the entire spectrum of this fascinating scientific field and the career prospects are almost limitless. Anyone can successfully find and follow their own path here. The Bachelor's degree programme in Ulm is with unrestricted admission, so a place (in higher education, in the programme etc.) is guaranteed if you have a higher education entrance qualification. If you need or want a place in a hall of residence, you can take care of this very early on, as you do not have to wait for admission to the degree programme. All other conditions for a successful degree programme in the heart of Ulm's Science City could hardly be better. If, in addition to these circumstances, you have the personal impression that Ulm is an attractive location and that Chemistry is the right study/degree programme for you, then all that remains to be said is: don't miss this opportunity to complete a great course of study here in the next few years and set the course for your own future and prosperity.

Study objectives

Graduates of the bachelor's programme in Chemistry have a broad range of knowledge and skills based on a solid scientific and mathematical foundation. They have acquired key competences such as communication and teamwork skills, are able to continuously expand their own knowledge independently and apply it to specific problems. They are able to act responsibly and purposefully, taking into account scientific and technical advances and familiarising themselves with new problems. Application-orientated occupational fields include the chemical industry, mobility sectors, the public sector and consulting. Those interested in Research and Development and the associated career prospects are advised to follow the Master's programme in Chemistry with the Bachelor's programme, as scientific and research-oriented training; (akad.: ) education is the primary focus of this postgraduate course.

Information for students

All information, both for prospective students and for students, is made available on the website of the Chemistry discipline. You are welcome to take a look at this at any time and contact the course advisors if you have any questions.

Click here to go to the Homepage of the Chemistry discipline.

Specialisations and options

In the third academic year of the bachelor's programme in Chemistry, students can choose between the following compulsory elective subjects, which complement the basic compulsory courses in a wide range of disciplines and thus enable an initial individualisation of their studies:

  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Macromolecular Chemistry
  • Theoretical Chemistry
  • Power Engineering

The Chemistry discipline is excellent in battery research!

Routes abroad

A great way to broaden your horizons in a discipline is to study at a foreign university. Ulm University students can apply for one or two semesters abroad at numerous universities, both throughout Europe as part of the ERASMUS programme and outside Europe. If lectures are not required, internships and theses at other universities are also possible.

Ulm University has exchange agreements with over 100 universities in 26 countries.
International Office

As of 2024, the Chemistry discipline has ERASMUS partnerships with Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands and Switzerland. However, students also regularly travel to other European countries and overseas as part of other programmes. In addition to the USA, experience has shown that South Korea is particularly popular here.

What students and graduates of UUlm have to say

Jonas, 21 years old, beginning of the programme in winter semester 23/24
From the very first semester, you are in the laboratory, learning how to use laboratory equipment, how to handle chemicals properly, how to write protocols correctly and how to work independently. However, you are always supported by very dedicated professors, seminar and laboratory managers, tutors and other university employees who are there to answer your questions around the clock. Of course, this is all associated with an increased time commitment, which may seem daunting at first, but ultimately doesn't feel so bad, as both the lectures and the internships themselves are a lot of fun.

Max, 26 years old, beginning of the programme in winter semester 19/20
The small group sizes in seminars/tutorials are very pleasant. Every student is sure to get a work placement in well-equipped labs. As soon as you get out of the first few semesters and into the subject-specific lectures, the professors know / recognise you.

Experimental setting in the laboratory.

Discussion of the procedure for an experiment.

Chemistry internship in the open-plan laboratory.

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Studying at Ulm University.

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Everything is Chemistry! Our chemistry degree programmes at Ulm University.

Perspectives and opportunities - The world of Natural Sciences at Ulm University.

The career prospects for graduates of a chemistry degree programme are extremely diverse. The bachelor's degree qualifies you for a career, but it should be noted that most students only aim to start their career after completing a master's programme. Regardless of this, the following list provides an overview of some of the possibilities. But there are undoubtedly more. What is important is what interests you personally and what you focus your studies on within the given options.

  • Research and Development (R&D): Work in the chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry or at biotechnology companies.

  • Analytics: Quality control and assurance in industry, environmental analysis or forensic Chemistry.

  • Process and application engineering: development and optimisation of production processes in the chemical industry.

  • Marketing, sales and product management: placing chemical products on the market, developing marketing strategies.

  • Public relations: Communication of complex chemical content for the general public.

  • Patent system: Protection of inventions and processes through patents.

  • Food and beverage industry: Development and quality control of food and beverages.

  • Environmental chemistry: Investigation and reduction of environmental pollution through chemical processes.

  • Automotive industry: Development of fuels, batteries, plastics and other materials for vehicles.

  • Aerospace industry: materials development, fuel formulation and air quality in closed systems.

  • Energy and environmental technology: Development of sustainable energy sources, such as hydrogen and battery technologies, as well as research into CO₂ reduction technologies.

  • Electronics industry: production and development of materials for semiconductors, sensors and other electronic components used in mobility.

  • Battery and accumulator technology: Research and Development of powerful, durable and safe batteries for electric vehicles and other applications.

  • Materials science: Development and optimisation of new materials for various applications in the mobility sector.

Studying and living in Ulm

Welcome to the most liveable city in Germany. In Albert Einstein's birthplace, scientific research, leisure, top employers and culture come together in a unique way. Top locations and events such as the Ulmer Zelt, Nabada or the Donaufest attract visitors to the quaint streets. You feel at home here!

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Copyright: City of Ulm

Ziel erreicht! Du hast nun alle Infos zum Studiengang Chemie

Last Step: Kannst du viele dieser Fragen positiv beantworten, so kann der Studiengang Chemie dein Wunschstudium sein!

  • Bringst du mathematisches und naturwissenschaftliches Grundverständnis mit?
  • Hast du Freude an Themen rund um Chemie, Forschung und Entwicklung?
  • Bist du fasziniert von Innovation und möchtest kreativ arbeiten?
  • Willst du gleichzeitig verantwortungsvoll an Lösungen für die Verbesserung einer nachhaltigeren chemischen Industrie und des Wohlstands von Menschen arbeiten?
  • Bist du fasziniert von fächerübergreifender Arbeitsweise in einem multidisziplinären Umfeld aus Natur- und Lebenswissenschaften, Forschung und Technik?


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