Biochemistry - Master of Science (MSc)

The Master’s programme in Biochemistry in Ulm is highly diversified both in research and teaching. Its strong focus on research and application warrants a purposeful professional qualification and provides a great basis for further academic qualifications (e.g. a doctoral degree).

Key Data

Academic Degree

Master of Science (MSc)

Type Of Study
  • full-time
Study curriculum

Information on the study curriculum


Information for applicants

Admission regulations

further information

Start Of Study
  • each winter and summer semester
Orientation offer Course Language
  • German and English
Admission Requirements
  • no restriction
ECTS Credits


Standard Period Of Study



more about the Course

The programme comprises courses in Biology, Chemistry, Biophysics and Medicine. It also offers a choice of minor subjects like Biometrics, Pharmacology/Toxicology or Virology. Compulsory elective modules provide specialised knowledge. Your Master’s thesis will teach you how to conduct independent academic work.

The following information is mostly only available in German because the teaching language of the course is German. Students who want to participate in the programme need to proof their language proficiency.


Study situation

This programme is only offered in German language.

Ulm University

Strong in research, attractive course offers, growing internationality! Since its foundation in 1967, the youngest University in Baden-Württemberg has had a remarkable development. The current approximate 10,000 students are spread across four Faculties, Medicine, Engineering, Computer Sciences and Psychology, Mathematics and Economics as well as Natural Sciences. Today, more than four decades after its foundation, the University is still conveniently sized yet alive and known for its strong research profile and high teaching standards.

Video portrait of Ulm University on ARD-alpha

Students at Ulm University are guaranteed a laboratory place during their introductory laboratory courses. This ensures that they can graduate within the standard period of study.

Working and living in Ulm

Idyllically located between the two economic hubs Stuttgart and Munich, Ulm continues to gain importance. Nationwide surveys confirm its high quality of life. As Germany's first Science City, Ulm and its powerful combination of University, University of Applied Sciences, Daimler-Benz Research Centre and Science Parks I and II offers a plethora of opportunities. At the same time, the city has an abundance of green spaces, for example the Zoological Garden in the middle of a recreation park, equipped with aquarium and tropical house as well as many beautiful spots for sports and leisure activities or simply relaxing.

Student life

Numerous theme parties keep Ulm University alive and social at night and provide chances to mingle with students from other courses.

Representation of student interests

The interests of students at Ulm University are represented by student representatives, Fachschaften (subject-related student representatives) and university groups.

Advisory services

There are various advisory and support services to cater for a wide range of needs.

The <link en study student-advisory-services zentrale-studienberatung-central-student-advisory-services internal link in current>Zentrale Studienberatung (central student advisory services) provide advice on the aspects of the transition from school to university, course offers, overall concepts of the study programmes and general questions regarding core subjects.

The <link en study student-advisory-services course-advisors internal link in current>course advisors are here to answer your subject-related questions. There are course advisors for each study programme at all faculties and institutes.

Click <link en study organisation internal link in current>here for further information on how to organise your studies, e.g. re-registration, academic leave and how to change your degree programme.

Admission statute

The study programme Biochemistry has admission restrictions. You can find further information <link en einrichtungen administration dez1 legal-and-organisational-affairs statutes-and-regulations-etc under-and-postfraduate-study-doctoral-degree-habilitation admissions-statutes _blank internal-link internal link in current>here under 'General' or under 'Biochemistry' for information specific to the master’s programme Biochemistry.

Study objectives and contents


Unique features of the study course

The Ulm University's master course Biochemistry equally covers scientific research and professional practice. This attribute ensures a solid professional qualification as well as it provides the basis for further scientific qualifications (e.g. doctoral studies). The study includes courses from biology, chemistry, biophysics and medicine. Additionally, minor topics like biometrics, pharmacology/toxicology or virology may be elected. Special subjects are taught in compulsory elective lectures; and finally the students learn to work independently on a scientific question in a master thesis.

Study objectives

Graduates of the master course Biochemistry ...

  • ... are able to elaborate on scientific questions from the field of biochemistry on the basis of known technologies and document their results (in writing and oral presentation) in accordance with the Guidelines of Research Integrity and Good Scientific Practice.
  • ... are able to present research projects in the scientific context and to discuss their methods and approaches in the broader scientific community.
  • ... have learned common methods of literature research, data administration and data processing.
  • ... have acquired soft skills like team-work, intercultural capacities and adequate time-management.

Study contents

In the Studyplan you can see the compulsory and elective modules. 


Major topics

  • Compulsory modules from molecular biology, chemistry und biophysics
  • Elective modules with regard to industry / pharmaceutical research
  • Elective modules from molecular biology / chemistry
  • Elective modules from biochemistry
  • Biological / medical minor topic

Here you can find all modules offered in the Biochemistry Master at Ulm University. 


Institutes involved in the Biology Master Program belong to Bioscience, Chemistry and Physics. Here you can inform yourself about current publications and ongoing research.





Die Welt wächst zusammen - das gilt auch und vor allem für die Wissenschaft. Um den Anforderungen des Arbeitsmarktes gerecht zu werden, wird ein Studienaufenthalt an einer ausländischen Hochschule immer wichtiger. Als Student an der Uni Ulm haben Sie die Möglichkeit, sich für ein oder zwei Auslandssemester an zahlreichen Universitäten - sowohl europaweit im Rahmen des ERASMUS+ Programms als auch an außereuropäischen Unis - zu bewerben. Auch können Auslandspraktika gefördert werden. Eine weitere Möglichkeit ins Ausland zu kommen besteht im Rahmen der Abschlussarbeit. 

Weitere Informationen können beim <link studium international-office internal-link internal link in current>International Office eingeholt werden.


<link io mob-out ausland-semester-jahr internal-link internal link in current>Allgemeine Informationen

<link io mob-out ausland-semester-jahr erasmus-sms internal-link internal link in current>ERASMUS+ Programm

<link io mob-out ausland-semester-jahr freemover internal-link internal link in current>Selbstorganisierte Auslandssemester

Exchange Program National Taiwan University (NTU)


<link io mob-out praktikum internal-link internal link in current>Allgemeine Informationen

<link io mob-out praktikum praktikumsstelle-finden internal-link internal link in current>Praktikumsstellen finden

<link io mob-out praktikum foerderung internal-link internal link in current>Fördermöglichkeiten

Abschlussarbeit im Ausland

<link io mob-out im-studium-ins-ausland internal-link internal link in current>Allgemeine Informationen

<link io mob-out stipendien-fuer-auslandsaufenthalte stipendien-ueber-das-international-office promos internal-link internal link in current>PROMOS Stipendium

Current information about examinations, study plans and other topics relevant for matriculated students can be found on the web page of the Department of Biology.


Career perspectives

Holding the master degree in Biochemistry, graduades acquired competences to work independently in various fields of biochemistry. Important occupational fields are e.g.

  • medical-pharmaceutial research,
  • biotechnology,
  • and quality control / management in food industry.

In addition, the master degree gives you the opportunity for doctoral studies after which you find occupational fields

  • in the industry,
  • in universities,
  • in research institutes,
  • in administration,
  • as well as a freelancer.

In the seminar <link nawi nawibiologie studium-lehre seminar-perspektiven-in-den-biowissenschaften internal-link internal link in current>"Perspektiven in den Biowissenschaften" Ulm's alumni talk about their careers (usually German language only).


Campus life