Doctoral Degree

General Information

§ 38 (5) Law on Higher Education of the Land of Baden-Wuerttemberg (LHG):

Persons who are working on her or his doctoral thesis and have been accepted as a doctoral student since 30.03.2018 have to be enrolled as doctoral students. As soon as you have been accepted as a doctoral candidate, you are obliged to enrol in the semester in which you were accepted.

Doctoral students who were accepted before 30.03.2018 can enrol but are not obliged to do so.

Doctoral students who work full-time at Ulm University or are employed at Ulm University Hospital under a state contract can be exempted from the obligation to enrol if they submit a declaration to the President that they do not wish to be enrolled.

If you have not completed your entry qualifications for docotral studies at Ulm University please enter the data required for enrolment. 

Please submit the confirmation of the entry of your data to the responsible doctoral office with your "Application for acceptance as a doctoral student".

As soon as you have been accepted as a doctoral student by the faculty you will be enrolled at the Student Administration and Examinations Office after submitting the required documents.

Information sheet on enrolment for doctoral students - required documents

Information sheet on enrolment for doctoral students

If you were already enrolled at Ulm University at an earlier point in time or are enrolled at Ulm University at the time of application please submit the last valid certificate of enrolment or certificate of termination of enrolment from Ulm University with the "Application for acceptance as a doctoral student" to the relevant doctoral office.

You will be enrolled as a doctoral student at the Student Administration and Examinations Office once you have been accepted as a doctoral student by the faculty.

The enrolment obligation ends with the opening of the doctoral procedure according to §8 RahmenPromO. The right to enrolment exists until the certificate is issued.

Enrolled doctoral students pay the administration fee and the student union fee as well as the contribution to the student body (more information in the FAQs on re-registration --> there: Which fees and contributions have to be paid?)

Further information can be found on the homepage of the International Office.

Further information can be received at the corresponding doctoral office:

Briefkästen des Studiensekretariats/Letter Box of the Student Administration and Examinations Office

can be found in the north entrance of building M24

- outside the entrance (grey letter box)
- in door of M24/room 224
- in door of M23/room 2207
- in M23 between the doors of 2202 und 2203