The selection procedure for higher semesters is based on the number of study and examination achievments and achievements to be considered according to 35 LHG. The documented ECTS or comparable credit points are the primary criterion and the number of documented achievements the secondary criterion. In the event of equal ranking, the decision is made by lot.
Places on the programe are allocated according to applicant groups in this order:
- Applicant group: Applicants moving up
Applicants who were admitted to Ulm University for the first semester of the degree programme for whose admission to a higher semester they are applying. - Applicant group: Applicants changing university, interrupting their studies
Applicants who are or have been permanently (not only for one section) admitted and enrolled in the same degree programme at a higher education institution in a member state of the European Union. - Applicant group: lateral entrants, other applicants
Within the applicant groups, applicants are ranked according to their study achievements. Only in the case of applicants who have changed universities or interrupted their studies will 50% of the places be allocated according to study achievements (ranking list), otherwise according to social criteria.