Enrolment for higher semester with unrestricted admission to bachelor´s programmes

Enrolment period and period for submission of documents

winter semester:
01 July - 30 Sept 

summer semester:
15 January - 31 March   

Please note: Enrolment period is a cut-off period

How to enrol

Step 1: Recognition of previous achievements by the examination board

For the enrolment in a higher semester you have to request for recognition of previous achievments by the chair of the examination board.

Step 2: Registration in the campus portal of Ulm University

You register online via "My campus portal".
After registration you will receive an e-mail with the activation code and the request to confirm your personal account in the campus portal of Ulm University.

Step 3: Application in the campus portal of Ulm University

Then please submit your application via "My campus portal".
During the application process please upload your confirmed request of previous achievements by the chair of the examination board.

Step 4: Online enrolment in the campus portal of Ulm University

After the upload of your request of recognition of previous achievements you will be informed in the campus portal as soon as your request is accepted. After acceptance please go through the online enrolment process at Ulm University via "My campus portal".

Step 5: Sending the documents

Then print out the application for enrolment form and send it in due time together with the documents listed below (or in the information sheet) to the Student Administration and Examinations Office (see address on the right).


"My campus portal"

Enrol now


Student Administration and Examinations Office
Ulm University
89069 Ulm

Telephone: +49 (0)731/50-24444
Fax: +49 (0)731/50-12-22058 and 12-31185
E-Mail: studiensekretariat(at)uni-ulm.de

Street address:

Universität Ulm
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89081 Ulm

Further Information

  • Entrance requirements in a bachelor´s programme with unrestricted admission is a higher education entrance qualification in original or an official certified copy* of the document
  • required language proficiency: German
  • recognition of previous achievements by the examination board

A subject-specific higher education entrance qualification (often referred to as a university of applied science entrance qualification) generally entitles to study at a university but with the restriction that only certain bachelor´s programmes (corresponding to the subject area chosen at school) can be studied.
The subject-specific higher education entrance qualification is often mixed up with the university of applied science entrance qualification. A university of applied science entrance qualification does not entitle to study at a university.

The information regarding the necessary documents can be found under enrolment documents.

*An official certified copy is an official confirmation that a copy matches the original document. The confirmation is made by an authorized German authority (e.g. city hall or citizens' registration office) or a notary.
Further information: www.uni-assist.de/en/tools/glossary-of-terms/description/term/official-certification/

Documents to be submitted:

  • signed application for enrolment (you will receive the pdf file after completion of the online enrolment process)
  • original higher education entrance qualification or an official certified copy* of the document. If the higher education entrance qualification is not available in German or English: official translation of the higher education entrance qualification into German or English in original or an official certified copy* of this document
  • German applicants with a foreign higher education entrance qualification: Certificate of recognition from the competent recognition body or an official certified copy* of this document, https://rp.baden-wuerttemberg.de/rps/abt7/school-report-recognition-en/
  • of vocationally qualified applicants: certificate of further education; proof of a study-related counseling interview; proof of at least 400 teaching hours in the further education course, this is omitted in the case of existing master craftsman's examination and school-leaving qualifications. Enrolment can only take place if the submitted evidence is also recognized;
  • if the study qualification was not acquired at a German-speaking institution: Proof of sufficient German language skills e.g. DSH-2, TestDaF (level 4 in all four sections), Feststellungsprüfung or equivalent.
  • Copy of passport or identity card
  • Proof (bank statement, no transfer form copies) of payment of the semester fee. You will receive more detailed information on the amount and the purpose of payment once you have completed the online enrolment process
  • Proof of German statutory health insurance or proof of exemption from compulsory insurance; this document will be sent electronically by the statutory health insurance company. Please request a notification "Meldegrund 10 für die Universität Ulm" from a German statutory health insurance company of your choice. A copy of the insurance card/EHIC or a written membership certificate will not be accepted; This proof is not required for an enrolment in the "Language and Regional Studies Preparatory Semester - fokus" as well as for an enrolment in the "Orientierungsemester"
  • For applicants from China, India and Vietnam: original APS document (certified pdf file) or a certified copy*

In case of previous studies in Germany:

  • certificate of termination of enrolment with course of studies of all universities attended in Germany.
  • if you have already completed your studies: certified copy or official certified photocopy of your higher education entrance qualification and transcript; if applicable an official certified translation into German or English; if these are not yet available: a confirmation from your university of your university degree
  • if you have already studied in another study programme for three or more semesters: a course advisor consultation attestation from Ulm University for the desired bachelor´s programme is needed (not required when changing Bachelor's/Master's study programme and not required when beginning a second study programme after having completed your first study programme)

The documents to be submitted can also be found on our information sheet.

*An official certified copy is an official confirmation that a copy matches the original document. The confirmation is made by an authorized German authority (e.g. city hall or citizens' registration office) or a notary.
Further information: www.uni-assist.de/en/tools/glossary-of-terms/description/term/official-certification/

Those who have already studied two or more semesters in the same study programme do not need any proof.

Those who have already studied one or two semesters in a different study programme have to submit a proof of a study orientation procedure with the above mentioned documents.

Those who have already studied three or more semesters in a different study programme need a course advisor consultation attestation (only available in German) issued by Ulm University.

Please find the necessary information regarding issueing a power of attorney (only available in German) if you are unable to enrol yourself.

Germans with a foreign higher education entrance qualification need a certificate of recognition issued by the corresponding office for the recognition of education certificates.

Starting winter semester 2017/18 international students wishing to study and pursue a degree in Baden-Württemberg who are not EU nationals (third-country nationals) have to pay tuition fees amounting to 1,500 EUR per semester.

All students enroled at a German university in the Federal Republic of Germany are subject to compulsory health insurance and social long-term care insurance. This also applies to students enroled in Germany who have their residence or habitual abode abroad if there is no entitlement to benefits in kind on the basis of supranational or intergovernmental law.

Information sheet on health insurance for students (only available in German)