

Fischer RFH, Tzschoppe R, Bäuml R. Lattice Costa Schemes using Subspace Projection for Digital Watermarking. European Transactions on Telecommunications (ETT). 2004 Jul.; 15(4):351—361.     [File] 
Windpassinger C, Lampe L, Fischer RFH, Hehn T. A Study of Low-Complexity and Low-Latency MIMO Detectors. In: Proceedings of International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). Chicago, IL, USA: 2004 Jun.. p. 501.     [File] 
Windpassinger C, Fischer RFH, Vencel T, Huber JB. Precoding in Multi-Antenna and Multi-User Communications. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 2004 Jun.; 3(4):1305—1316.     [File] 
Fischer RFH, Stierstorfer C, Huber JB. Precoding for Point-to-Multipoint Transmission over MIMO ISI Channels. In: Proceedings of International Zurich Seminar (IZS). Zurich, Switzerland: 2004 Feb.. p. 208—211.     [File] 
Fischer RFH, Windpassinger C. Even-Integer Interference Precoding for Broadcast Channels. In: Proceedings of 5. International ITG Conference on Source and Channel Coding (SCC). Erlangen, Germany: 2004 Jan.. p. 395—402.     [File] 
Fischer RFH, Tzschoppe R, Bäuml R. Lattice Costa Schemes using Subspace Projection for Digital Watermarking. In: Proceedings of 5. International ITG Conference on Source and Channel Coding (SCC). Erlangen, Germany: 2004 Jan.. p. 127—134.     [File] 
Windpassinger C, Fischer RFH, Huber JB. Lattice-Reduction-Aided Broadcast Precoding. In: Proceedings of 5. International ITG Conference on Source and Channel Coding (SCC). Erlangen, Germany: 2004 Jan.. p. 403—408.     [File] 
Lampe L, Schober R, Fischer RFH. Multilevel Coding for Multiple-Antenna Transmission. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 2004 Jan.; 3(1):203—208.     [File] 


Fischer RFH, Windpassinger C. Improved MIMO Precoding for Decentralized Receivers Resembling Concepts from Lattice Reduction. In: Proceedings of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM). San Francisco, CA, USA: 2003 Dec.. p. CT08-7.     [File] 
Fischer RFH, Huber JB. Signal Processing in Receivers for Communication over MIMO ISI Channels. In: Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT). Darmstadt, Germany: 2003 Dec.. p. 298—301.     [File] 
Fischer RFH, Huber JB, Windpassinger C. Precoding for Point-to-Multipoint Transmission. In: Eighth International Workshop on Signal Processing for Space Communication. Catania, Italy: 2003 Sep.. p. 137—144.     [File] 
Fischer RFH, Huber JB, Windpassinger C. Signal Processing in Decision-Feedback Equalization of Intersymbol-Interference and Multiple-Input / Multiple-Output Channels: A Unified View. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 2003 Aug.; 83(8):1633—1642.     [File] 
Windpassinger C, Lampe L, Fischer RFH. From Lattice-Reduction-Aided Detection Towards Maximum-Likelihood Detection in MIMO Systems. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications (WOC). Banff, Canada: 2003 Jul..     [File] 
Fischer RFH, Windpassinger C, Huber JB. Modulo-Lattice Reduction in Precoding Schemes. In: Proceedings of International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). Yokohama, Japan: 2003 Jun.. p. 163.     [File] 
Lampe L, Schober R, Fischer RFH. Coded Differential Space-Time Modulation for Flat Fading Channels. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 2003 May; 2(3):582—590.     [File] 
Lampe L, Schober R, Fischer RFH. Differential Space-Time Modulation - Coding and Capacity Results. In: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). Anchorage, AK, USA: 2003 May. p. 2593—2597.     [File] 
Windpassinger C, Fischer RFH. Optimum and Sub-Optimum Lattice-Reduction-Aided Detection and Precoding for MIMO Communications. In: Proceedings of the Canadian Workshop on Information Theory. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada: 2003 May. p. 88—91.     [File] 
Windpassinger C, Vencel T, Fischer RFH. Precoding and Loading for BLAST-like Systems. In: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). Anchorage, AK, USA: 2003 May. p. 3061—3065.     [File] 
Fischer RFH, Stierstorfer C, Windpassinger C. Precoding and Signal Shaping for Transmission over MIMO Channels. In: Proceedings of the Canadian Workshop on Information Theory. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada: 2003 May. p. 83—87.     [File] 
Windpassinger C, Fischer RFH. Low-Complexity Near-Maximum-Likelihood Detection and Precoding for MIMO Systems using Lattice Reduction. In: Proceedings of IEEE Information Theory Workshop. Paris, France: 2003 Mar.. p. 345—348.     [File] 
Fischer RFH, Windpassinger C. Real- vs. complex-valued equalisation in V-BLAST systems. IET Electronics Letters. 2003 Mar.; 39(5):470—471.     [File] 


Windpassinger C, Vencel T, Fischer RFH. Optimising MIMO DFE for systems with spatial loading. IET Electronics Letters. 2002 Nov.; 38(24):1591—1593.     [File] 
Vencel T, Windpassinger C, Fischer RFH. Sorting in the V-BLAST Algorithm and Loading. In: Proceedings of Communication Systems and Networks (CSN). Malaga, Spain: 2002 Sep.. p. 304—309.     [File] 
Fischer RFH, Windpassinger C, Lampe A, Huber JB. MIMO Precoding for Decentralized Receivers. In: Proceedings of International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). Lausanne, Switzerland: 2002 Jun.. p. 496.     [File] 
Lampe L, Schober R, Fischer RFH. Multilevel Coding for Multiple-Antenna Transmission. In: Proceedings of International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). Lausanne, Switzerland: 2002 Jun.. p. 104.     [File] 
Fischer RFH, Tzschoppe R, Huber JB. Signal Shaping for Peak-Power and Dynamics Reduction in Transmission Schemes Employing Precoding. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 2002 May; 50(5):735—741.     [File] 
Fischer RFH, Windpassinger C, Lampe A, Huber JB. Tomlinson-Harashima Precoding in Space-Time Transmission for Low-Rate Backward Channel. In: Proceedings of International Zurich Seminar (IZS). Zurich, Switzerland: 2002 Feb.. p. 7.1—7.6.     [File] 
Huettinger S, Huber JB, Fischer RFH, Johannesson R. Soft-Output-Decoding: Some Aspects From Information Theory. In: Proceedings of 4. International ITG Conference on Source and Channel Coding (SCC). Berlin, Germany: 2002 Jan.. p. 81—89.     [File] 
Fischer RFH, Windpassinger C, Lampe A, Huber JB. Space-Time Transmission using Tomlinson-Harashima Precoding. In: Proceedings of 4. International ITG Conference on Source and Channel Coding (SCC). Berlin, Germany: 2002 Jan.. p. 139—147.     [File] 


Fischer RFH, Tzschoppe R, Huber JB. Signal Shaping for Reduction of Peak-Power and Dynamic Range in Precoding Schemes. In: Proceedings of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM). San Antonio, TX, USA: 2001 Nov.. p. 339—341.     [File] 
Huettinger S, Huber JB, Johannesson R, Fischer RFH. Information Processing in Soft-Output Decoding. In: Proceedings of 39th Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing. Monticello, IL, USA: 2001 Oct.. p. 301—310.     [File] 
Fischer RFH, Eberlein E. Improved Differential Demodulation of OFDM over Two-Path Channels. In: Proceedings of 6. International OFDM Workshop (InOWo). Hamburg, Germany: 2001 Sep..     [File] 
Fischer RFH, Lampe L, Müller-Weinfurtner S. Coded Modulation for Noncoherent Reception with Application to OFDM. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 2001 Jul.; 50(4):910—919.     [File] 
Lampe L, Fischer RFH. Random Coding Exponent Based Design of Coded Modulation for Multiple-Symbol Differential Detection. In: Proceedings of International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). Washington, DC, USA: 2001 Jun.. p. 163.     [File] 


Lampe L, Fischer RFH. Low Complexity Multilevel Coding for Multiple-Symbol Differential Detection. IET Electronics Letters. 2000 Dec.; 36(25):2081—2082.     [File] 
Lampe L, Schober R, Fischer RFH. Noncoherent and Coded OFDM Using Decision-Feedback Demodulation and Diversity. In: Proceedings of 5. International OFDM Workshop (InOWo). Hamburg, Germany: 2000 Sep.. p. 15.1—15.6.     [File] 
Fischer RFH, Tzschoppe R, Huber JB. Signal Shaping for Peak-Power and Dynamics Reduction. In: Proceedings of the 'Workshop What is next in xDSL'. Vienna, Austria: 2000 Sep..     [File] 
Lampe L, Fischer RFH, Huber JB. Differential Phase Shift Keying with Constellation Expansion Diversity. In: Proceedings of International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). Sorrento, Italy: 2000 Jun.. p. 136.     [File] 
Lampe L, Fischer RFH. Noncoherent Coded Modulation for Fading Channels. International Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEÜ). 2000 Jun.; 54(6):399—411.     [File] 
Lampe L, Fischer RFH, Schober R. Performance Evaluation of Non-Coherent Transmission over Power Lines. In: International Syposium on Power-Line Communications (ISPLC). Limerick, Ireland: 2000 Apr.. p. 23—30.     [File] 
Fischer RFH, Lampe L, Müller-Weinfurtner S, Huber JB. Coded Modulation for Differential Encoding and Non-Coherent Reception on Fading Channels. In: Proceedings of 3. International ITG Conference on Source and Channel Coding (SCC). München, Germany: 2000 Jan.. p. 139—146.     [File] 
Fischer RFH, Lampe L, Calabro S. Differential Encoding Strategies for Transmission over Fading Channels. International Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEÜ). 2000 Jan.; 54(1):59—67.     [File] 


Lampe L, Fischer RFH, Calabro S, Müller-Weinfurtner S. Coded Modulation for DPSK on Fading Channels. In: Proceedings of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM). Rio, Brazil: 1999 Dec.. p. 2540—2544.     [File] 
Fischer RFH, Lampe L, Huber JB. Analysis of Synchronisation Requirements for ADSL. In: Proceedings of 4. International OFDM Workshop (InOWo). Hamburg, Germany: 1999 Sep.. p. 13.1—13.5.     [File] 
Fischer RFH, Lampe L, Calabro S, Müller-Weinfurtner S. Coded Modulation using Differential Encoding over Rayleigh Fading Channels. In: Proceedings of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: 1999 Sep.. p. 2525—2529.     [File] 
Gerstacker W, Fischer RFH, Huber JB. Blind Equalization Techniques for xDSL using Channel Coding and Precoding. International Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEÜ). 1999 Aug.; (4):194—204.     [File] 
Fischer RFH. Calculation of Shell Frequency Distributions Obtained with Shell-Mapping Schemes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 1999 Jul.; 1631—1639.     [File] 
Wachsmann U, Fischer RFH, Huber JB. Multilevel Codes: Theoretical Concepts and Practical Design Rules. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 1999 Jul.; 45(5):1361—1391.     [File] 
Lampe L, Calabro S, Fischer RFH, Müller-Weinfurtner S, Huber JB. On the Difficulty of Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation for Differentially Encoded Transmission. In: Proceedings of IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW). Kruger National Park, South Africa: 1999 Jun.. p. 111.     [File] 
Lampe L, Fischer RFH. Comparison and Optimization of Differentially Encoded Transmission on Fading Channels. In: Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Power-Line Communications and its Applications(ISPLC). Lancaster, UK: 1999 Mar.. p. 107—113.     [File] 
Lampe L, Fischer RFH, Calabro S. Channel Capacity of Fading Channels for Differentially Encoded Transmission.. IET Electronics Letters. 1999 Feb.; 35192—194.     [File] 
Huber JB, Fischer RFH, Wachsmann U. Codierte Modulation mittels Multilevel-Codes: Entwicklung und aktueller Stand der Forschung. IT+TI. 1999 Jan.; 30—35.     [File] 
Fischer RFH, Calabro S, Lampe L, Müller-Weinfurtner S. Performance of coded modulation employing differential encoding over Rayleigh fading channels. IET Electronics Letters. 1999 Jan.; 35122—123.     [File] 


Gerstacker W, Fischer RFH, Huber JB. Blinde Entzerrung für digitale Übertragung über Zweidrahtleitungen mit Codierung und Vorcodierung. In: Proceedings of 2. International ITG Conference on Source and Channel Coding (SCC). Aachen, Germany: 1998 Mar.. p. 239—244.     [File] 
Huber JB, Wachsmann U, Fischer RFH. Coded Modulation by Multilevel-Codes: Overview and State of the Art. In: Proceedings of 2. International ITG Conference on Systems, Communications and Coding (SCC). Aachen, Germany: 1998 Mar.. p. 255—266.     [File] 
Wachsmann U, Huber JB, Fischer RFH. Multilevel Coding: Uso of Hard Decisions in Multistage Decoding. In: Proceedings of 2. International ITG Conference on Source and Channel Coding (SCC). Aachen, Germany: 1998 Mar.. p. 231—236.     [File] 
Fischer RFH, Huber JB, Wachsmann U. On the Combination of Multilevel Coding and Signal Shaping. In: Proceedings of 2. International ITG Conference on Source and Channel Coding (SCC). Aachen, Germany: 1998 Mar.. p. 273—278.     [File] 
Fischer RFH, Huber JB. Optimales Multiplexübertragungsverfahren für verzerrende Kanäle. In: Proceedings of 2. International ITG Conference on Source and Channel Coding (SCC). Aachen, Germany: 1998 Mar.. p. 201—206.     [File] 


Gerstacker W, Fischer RFH, Huber JB. A Transmission Scheme for Twisted Pair Lines with Coding, Precoding, and Blind Equalization. In: Proceedings of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM). Phoenix, Arizona, USA: 1997 Nov.. p. 52—56.     [File] 
Wachsmann U, Fischer RFH, Huber JB. Multilevel Coding: Use of Hard Decisions in Multistage Decoding. In: Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing. Monticello, IL, USA: 1997 Sep.. p. 966—975.     [File] 
Fischer RFH, Huber JB. On The Equivalence of Single- and Multicarrier Modulation: A New View. In: Proceedings of International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). Ulm, Germany: 1997 Jun.. p. 197.     [File] 
Fischer RFH, Huber JB. Comparison of Precoding Schemes for Digital Subscriber Lines. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 1997 Mar.; 45(3):334—343.     [File] 
Müller S, Bäuml R, Fischer RFH, Huber JB. OFDM with Reduced Peak-to-Average Power Ratio by Multiple Signal Representation. Annals of Telecommunications. 1997 Feb.; 52(1—2):58—67.     [File] 
Fischer RFH, Huber JB. Finite-Word-Length and Nonrecursive Implementation of Tomlinson-Harashima Precoding. International Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEÜ). 1997; 51(4):187—195.     [File] 


Fischer RFH, Huber JB. A New Loading Algorithm for Discrete Multitone Transmission. In: Proceedings of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM). London, UK: 1996 Nov.. p. 724—728.     [File] 
Fischer RFH, Huber JB, Wachsmann U. Multilevel Coding: Aspects from Information Theory. In: Communication Theory Mini-Conference at IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference(CTMC). London, UK: 1996 Nov.. p. 26—30.     [File] 
Bäuml R, Fischer RFH, Huber JB. Reducing the Peak-to-Average Power Ratio of Multicarrier Modulation by Selected Mapping. IET Electronics Letters. 1996 Oct.; 322056—2057.     [File] 
Fischer RFH, Huber JB. Neues Verfahren zur Raten- und Leistungsverteilung bei Mehrträgersystemen. In: Proceedings of 1. International OFDM Workshop (InOWo). Braunschweig, Germany: 1996 Sep..     [File] 
Fischer RFH, Huber JB, Wachsmann U. Coded Modulation: Design of Signal Set and Shaping. In: 25th General Assembly of URSI. Lille, France: 1996 Aug.. p. 151.     [File] 
Fischer RFH, Huber JB, Wachsmann U. Multilevel Coding: Aspects from Information Theory. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW). Haifa, Israel: 1996 Jun.. p. 9.     [File] 


Fischer RFH, Gerstacker W, Huber JB. Dynamics Limited Precoding, Shaping, and Blind Equalization for Fast Digital Transmission over Twisted Pair Lines. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. 1995 Dec.; 13(9):1622—1633.     [File] 
Gerstacker W, Fischer RFH, Huber JB. Blind Equalization for Fast Digital Cable Transmission with Tomlinson-Harashima Precoding and Shaping. In: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). Seattle, WA, USA: 1995 Jun.. p. 493—497.     [File] 
Fischer RFH, Huber JB. Dynamics Limited Shaping for Fast Digital Transmission. In: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). Seattle, WA, USA: 1995 Jun.. p. 22—26.     [File] 
Fischer RFH. Using Flexible Precoding for Channels with Spectral Nulls. IET Electronics Letters. 1995 Mar.; 31(5):356—358.     [File] 


Fischer RFH, Huber JB, Komp G. Coordinated Digital Transmission: Theory and Examples. International Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEÜ). 1994 Nov.; 289—300.     [File] 
Fischer RFH, Huber JB. Signalformung zur Begrenzung der Dynamik bei der Tomlinson-Harashima-Vorcodierung. In: Proceedings of 1. International ITG Conference on Source and Channel Coding (SCC). München: 1994 Oct.. p. 457—466.     [File] 
Huber JB, Fischer RFH. Dynamically Coordinated Reception of Multiple Signals in Correlated Noise. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). Trondheim, Norway: 1994 Jul.. p. 132.     [File] 
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