Master of Science (MSc)

Chemistry and Management

The concept of Chemistry and Management is highly interdisciplinary, successfully combining the two very different disciplines of Business Management and Chemistry. The study programme is aimed at prospective students with an interest in chemical questions and challenges and a desire to follow a career outside of the classical laboratory path. An increasing interconnection of business areas like research and development or controlling and marketing has created a diverse range of employment opportunities for scientists with management expertise.

More about the course

In addition to an in-depth theoretical and practical education in the core subjects of Chemistry, the programme offers a diverse range of courses to choose from in the manifold disciplines of Management and Economics. Fundamentals of Computer Science and an internship in a business enterprise round out the programme to deliver a modern, topical and ambitious education in Chemistry and Management.

The students acquire in-depth knowledge in the following areas:

  • economical and chemical research methods, academic work and business management know-how,
  • topical challenges in the core disciplines of Chemistry,
  • scientific and occupation-qualifying competences at the interface between science and economics.
Academic Degree

Master of Science (MSc)

Type Of Study
  • full-time
Admission regulations

further information

Start Of Study
  • next summer semester: 01.04.2023
  • next winter semester: 01.10.2023
Course Language
  • German and English
Admission Requirements
  • no restriction
ECTS Credits


Standard Period Of Study


Methodological-scientific working group internships directly at the pulse of research

Research-oriented project internships in the Master's degree programme take place directly in the laboratories of the working groups and institutes. This guarantees a contemporary training; (akad.: ) education directly at the pulse of current Research and Development and high standards for the acquisition of competences in methodical-scientific work.

Programme content

Students can choose from the available courses as they wish within the framework of the study regulations. Almost all theoretical courses in Chemistry and Management are of a seminar nature. Theoretical teaching is directly linked to the professors' current research. Internships take place as individual research-orientated activities directly in the working groups. First choice also offers an enormous selection of courses (bzw. specify exactly: lecture tutorial etc.) in a wide range of economic sub-disciplines. Theoretical teaching is also meaningfully flanked by scientific formats and exercises. What is not a matter of course for a university degree programme is the professional internship, which all students can choose to complete in industry or the private sector. This can even be combined with an external master's thesis. Having a foot in the door with a potential employer is not unlikely.

Study situation

The number of students on the Master's programme is comparatively low. The personal supervision ratio is excellent and, thanks to the diverse selection of courses, small group formats in seminar style can be expected in all courses. Admission to the Master's programme is regulated by the admission statutes. If the subject-specific criteria and the grade criteria of the bachelor's degree are met, the number of places is not limited; all interested students are allocated a place (in higher education, in the programme etc.) under these conditions. Due to the great flexibility of the degree programme and the research-oriented and scientific training; (akad.: ) education directly in the working groups in combination with an external professional internship in industry or the private sector, the degree programme is the ideal springboard for a successful career start. The only question is where to do this. Everyone decides for themselves, the possibilities are almost limitless and the framework conditions are excellent.

Study objectives

Graduates of the Chemistry and Management master's programme have comprehensive knowledge, skills and experimental competencies in selected areas of Chemistry and First choice. They have acquired in-depth competences in certain theoretical concepts of Chemistry and First choice, which correspond to the current international state of research. They have an overview of the interrelationships between the two disciplines and are able to work independently in a scientific manner, review current specialised literature and actively use it in a sub-field, plan research or operational processes and develop solution strategies. They have a high level of interdisciplinary skills that enable them to take on scientific and management tasks, particularly at the interface between the natural sciences and First choice.

Information for students

All information, both for prospective students and for students, is made available on the website of the Chemistry discipline. You are welcome to take a look at this at any time and contact the course advisors if you have any questions.

Click here to go to the Homepage of the Chemistry discipline.

Specialisations and options

The Master's degree programme in Chemistry and Management offers an unrestricted choice of all chemistry courses (or specify exactly: lecture tutorial etc.) that are also offered in the Master's degree programme in Chemistry. If sufficient courses are taken from a particular subject area, a certificate can be issued together with the transcript of records. In the First choice programme, students can choose courses from up to two specialisations. This package is rounded off by a selection of specialised courses in Chemistry and Management, Computer Science and (Bio)Technology.

The chemical thematic profiles are:

- Chemistry of Energy Storage and Conversion
- Sustainable, Green and Environmental Chemistry
- Chemistry of Molecular Materials Light Matter Interaction
- Chemistry of Healthcare and Biomaterials

The thematic and content-related profiles in First choice are:

- Business Analytics
- Corporate Management and Controlling
- Economics
- Accounting and Auditing

The Chemistry discipline is excellent in battery research!

Routes abroad

A great way to broaden your horizons in a discipline is to study at a foreign university. Ulm University students can apply for one or two semesters abroad at numerous universities, both throughout Europe as part of the ERASMUS programme and outside Europe. If lectures are not required, internships and theses at other universities are also possible.

Ulm University has exchange agreements with over 100 universities in 26 countries.
International Office

As of 2024, the Chemistry discipline has ERASMUS partnerships with Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands and Switzerland. However, students also regularly travel to other European countries and overseas as part of other programmes. In addition to the USA, experience has shown that South Korea is particularly popular here.

What students and graduates of UUlm say

Philipp, 27 years old, graduate
The Chemistry and Management master's programme offers many specialisation and elective options. In Ulm there are excellent programmes in the field of sustainability. For example, Life Cycle Assessment, Green Chemistry and Technology Management. There are several profiles in the field of economics, including corporate management and business analytics. Ulm is also the first port of call for interdisciplinary battery research with its cluster of excellence.

Matthias, 26, graduate
As a business chemist, you work at the interface between chemistry and business. This is very well served by the degree programme. Thanks to the many practical phases, it's not just grey theory. I would study it again at any time, as not only are the lectures very interesting, but there is also a lot of freedom thanks to the many options.

Experimental setting in the laboratory.

Scientific work on cutting-edge Research and Development.

Experimenting in working groups and laboratories.

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Studying at Ulm University.

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Everything is Chemistry! Our chemistry degree programmes at Ulm University.

Perspectives and opportunities - The world of Natural Sciences at Ulm University.

The Chemistry and Management study/degree programme offers a wide range of career opportunities in both worlds - Chemistry and Management. Graduates can work in traditional chemical career fields such as:

  • Research and Development: developing new products and technologies.

  • Quality management: Ensuring product quality and compliance with standards.

  • Production management: Head of Office and optimisation of production processes.

In addition, they can also work in economic fields such as

  • Technical marketing and sales: marketing and selling chemical products.

  • Management consulting: optimisation of chemical processes and business strategies.

  • Management and administration: management roles in the chemical industry and related sectors.

The combination of chemical and economic viability knowledge enables business chemists to take on versatile and responsible positions that make a decisive contribution to the success and innovation of companies. The major topics of Sustainable Management and Green Chemistry are also becoming increasingly important. Many career prospects are also conceivable here, such as

  • Sustainability management: developing and implementing strategies to reduce a company's ecological footprint.
  • Environmental consulting: advising companies on sustainable practices and legal environmental requirements.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Planning and implementation of social and ecological projects to increase corporate responsibility.
  • Sustainability reporting: Preparation of reports and analyses on the company's sustainability performance.
  • Development of environmentally friendly products: Research and Development of new chemical products and processes that are environmentally friendly and sustainable.
  • Recycling and waste management: Optimisation of recycling processes and management of chemical waste to minimise environmental impact.
  • Renewable energy: Working on projects to develop and improve renewable energy technologies, such as biofuels or photovoltaic cells.
  • Regulatory compliance: Ensuring that chemical products and processes comply with legal provisions for environmental protection.

Studying and living in Ulm

Welcome to the most liveable city in Germany. In Albert Einstein's birthplace, scientific research, leisure, top employers and culture come together in a unique way. Top locations and events such as the Ulmer Zelt, Nabada or the Donaufest attract visitors to the quaint streets. You feel at home here!

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Copyright: City of Ulm

Goal achieved! You now have all the information about the Chemistry and Management degree program

Last Step: If you can answer many of these questions positively, the Chemistry and Management degree program could be your dream course of study!

  • Do you have a basic understanding of mathematics and natural sciences?
  • Do you enjoy topics related to business administration, economics and other disciplines of economics?
  • Are you fascinated by innovation and would you like to apply the possibilities of economics to business areas in the chemical industry?
  • Are you interested in chemical topics outside of traditional research-oriented development work, e.g. in management?
  • Would you like to make the chemical industry more sustainable and greener while ensuring the competitiveness and accessibility of new products?
  • Are you fascinated by interdisciplinary work in a multidisciplinary environment of economics and natural sciences?


Remaining questions? Zur Studienfachberatung