Study Abroad at Ulm University: Chemistry

Contacts Chemistry

Dr. Christian Vogl
Academic Advisor
Department of Chemistry

Ulm University
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89069 Ulm / Germany

Room: O25/446
Phone: +49 (0) 731-50-22932

Prof. Dr. Michael Hiete
Erasmus+ Coordinator
Department of Chemistry

Institute for Theoretical Chemistry
Ulm University
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89081 Ulm / Germany

Room: Helmholtzstraße 18
Phone: +49 (0) 731-50-30711


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Güttel
Institut of Chemical Engineering
Ulm University
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89069 Ulm / Germany

Room: O25, Niveau 6, Room 611/613
Phone: +49 (0) 731-50-25700

Department of Chemistry: Teaching and Research

Bachelor CoursesCourses from our B. Sc. in Chemistry. These courses are offered in a regular cycle. The language of instruction is usually German.
Master CoursesCourses from our M. Sc. in Chemistry. The courses reflect the research areas of our Chemistry Department. The language of instruction is mainly English.

The main research areas of our department can be found here.

Current outstanding research topics are:
Electrochemistry: Energy turnaround and electromobility
- Innovative catalytic materials
- Micro- and nanoanalytical methods for sensor applications
- Organic solar cells and organic semiconductors

Projects and Master Theses

Students who only want to do a thesis/project at Ulm University do not need proficiency in German, as long as they have sufficient command of English. The supervisor of the project or the thesis is authorized to decide whether the language competence is sufficient or not.

Time and duration for thesis / projects can be arranged outside regular semester dates.

If you plan to do a thesis/project during your mobility at Ulm University, you should find out about the ongoing research in our faculties, departments and institutes in your field of interest. Our student advisor's can give you some directions for your search. However, you should not come to Ulm with any predefined topic and expect to find a supervisor for that particular topic.

We will grant max. 5 ECTS per month for thesis / project work, if this is the only activitiy in that time. If a thesis/project is combined with other courses, you can earn max. 30 ECTS per semester in total.

Examples: If you are going to stay for one full semester (6 months) and take several courses for a total of 12 ECTS credits, your thesis can be max. 18 ECTS credits. If you are going to stay for four months and only do your project, you can earn max. 20 credits for it.