Study Abroad at Ulm University

Bachelor Courses Chemistry

In the Chemistry bachelor programmes, the language of instruction is usually German. Only a few coures are taught in English.

To obtain information on the module content, you can use the module search function on the campus portal. Please enter the number or title in the mask. Click on the module in the list of results. The module description will then open.

Regularly Offered Courses in Winter Semester
(October - February)

 Module No. Module Title ECTS Language
70933 Physical Chemistry II 8 GE
72110 Inorganic Chemistry II 3 GE
73195 General Chemistry 7 GE
76644 Basics of Analytical Chemistry 4 GE
74369 Inorganic Chemistry III 4 GE
74370 Organic Chemistry III 4 GE
74367 Physical Chemistry III 4 GE

Special Analytical Chemistry: Introduction to Electroanalysis

(only in combination with the module's additionally assigned summer course)

8 GE

Basic Lecture I Theoretical Chemistry

(only in combination with the module's additionally assigned summer course)

8 GE

Macromolecular Chemistry I: Fundamentals of Macromolecular Chemistry - Synthesis

(only in combination with the module's additionally assigned summer course)

8 GE
71269 Interface Chemistry I - Surface Chemistry 4 EN

Regularly Offered Courses in Summer Semester
(April - August)

 Module No. Module Title ECTS Language
70930 Physical Chemistry I 8 GE
72109 Inorganic Chemistry I 3 GE
74352 Organic Chemistry I 7 GE
72111 Instrumental Analytical Chemistry 4 GE
74353 Organic Chemistry II 7 GE
75556 Green Chemistry 3 GE
74371 Theoretical Modelling and Simulation 4 GE
70675 Structure determination of organic molecules 4 GE

Bioanalytical Chemistry: Focus on chemo- and biosensors

(only in combination with the module's additionally assigned winter course)

8 GE

Quantum Mechanics II for chemists

(only in combination with the module's additionally assigned winter course)

8 GE

Macromolecular Chemistry II: Characterization Methods in Macromolecular Chemistry

(only in combination with the module's additionally assigned winter course)

8 GE

Interface Chemistry II - Electrochemistry

4 EN

Bachelor Courses Chemical Engineering

In the Chemistry Engineering bachelor programmes, the language of instruction is usually German.

Regularly Offered Courses in Winter Semester
(October - February)

 Module No.Module TitleECTSLanguage
72891Basics of process technology13 GE
72892 Basics of process engineering19 GE
72894Plant and apparatus engineering9GE
74064Modelling and process analysis5GE
74381Thermodynamics of Mixtures5 GE

Regularly Offered Courses in Summer Semester
(April - August)

 Module No.Module TitleECTSLanguage
72891Basics of process technology13 GE
72892 Basics of process engineering19 GE
72894 Plant and apparatus engineering9 GE
74293Fluid mechanics5GE

Contacts Chemistry

Dr. Christian Vogl
Academic Advisor
Department of Chemistry

Ulm University
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89081 Ulm / Germany

Room: O25/446
Phone: +49 (0) 731-50-22932

Prof. Dr. Michael Hiete
Erasmus+ Coordinator
Department of Chemistry

Institute for Theoretical Chemistry
Ulm University
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89081 Ulm / Germany

Room: Helmholtzstraße 18
Phone: +49 (0) 731-50-30711

Lab Courses

Places in lab courses, in which students conduct their own experiments, are limited. Priority is given to students who are enrolled in full-degree studies at Ulm University. You may list lab courses on your Learning Agreements, but you should be prepared that you may not get a place in one of those courses.

Lab Safety

Students usually have to attend a safety briefing prior to the start of a lab course. In case there should be serious doubts that a student will be able to respond to instructions due to poor linguistic competence and/or academic preparation, participation in the lab may be denied in order to avoid hazards.