The Department of Biology at Ulm University and the Biopharma Cluster South Germany invites interested scientists “in Ulm, um Ulm und um Ulm herum” to join the 2024 BioDay. The event aims to build and to strengthen the scientific interactions between biological scientists on the topic "Stress and Resilience of Biological Systems".
The 2024 BioDay will consist of a Public Lecture, which will be open to all, and a number of scientific and networking events. A registration will be required for the latter.
Public Lecture
„Tree stress resilience in a changing world“
Prof. Dr. Nadine Rühr
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT-Campus Alpin
18 July 2024, 16:00, N27, Multimedia Room
Full Day Programme - Registration required
The 2024 BioDay will feature an information event on Career Perspectives in Industry, a Scientific Speed Dating for all registered PhD students and PostDocs, scientific presentations from the Department of Biology, a poster session from junior scientists and the Public Lecture.
Lunch will not be provided.
There will be no registration fees, but it is mandatory to register. If space is limiting we will make a selection of participants.
The day will be concluded by a barbeque at the Botanical Garden, in which you may bring whatever you want to put on the grill. Please note that there may be no separate non-meat barbeque. A contribution to a shared buffet (bread, salad, dessert etc.) would be very welcome. Drinks will be provided by the Professors of the Department.
The programme in detail can be found here: Programme
Please register here for the event: Registration form
Deadline: 31 May 2024.
Poster instructions:
Posters should be put up on 18 July 2024 before 11:00 and must not be removed before 17:00. Our poster walls fit A0 posters, portrait format. Please bring pushpins.
Postdocs and PhD students after their first year should present posters. If space is limiting, priority may be given to candidates who will present a poster.

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