Study Abroad at Ulm University: Physics

You are registered as a student at a university abroad? You are interested in completing part of your studies (1-2 semesters) at Ulm University?

This is quite easy, if there is a cooperation agreement between your home university and Ulm University. Check out our partner universities:

  • Erasmus+: Partner Universities in Europe
  • SEMP: Partner Universities in Switzerland
  • Exchange: Partner Universites worldwide

However, you cannot apply to Ulm University directly. First, you have to apply for a place in the exchange programme at your home university. If you have been selected, you can apply to the International Office of Ulm University.

In case there is no cooperation agreement between your home university and Ulm University you can apply as free mover.

Contacts International Office

Contacts Physics

Prof. Dr. Susana Huelga
Institute of Theoretical Physics
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89081 Ulm
Phone: ++49 (0) 731-50-22901
Fax: ++49 (0) 731-50-22924
Room: M26/4117

Department of Physics: Teaching and Research

Bachelor CoursesCourses from our B. Sc. in Physics. These courses are offered in a regular cycle. The language of instruction is usually German.
Master CoursesCourses from our M. Sc. in Physics, M. Sc. in Biophysics und M.Sc. Quantum Engineering. The courses reflect the research areas of our Physics Department. The language of instruction is mainly English.

The main research areas of our department are: 

An overview of the institutes of the Department of Physics as well as their main research areas is given here

Please note:

In order to attend master courses, you must have master level, meaning that:

  • you must have formally completed a bachelor degree or
  • you must have finished three years of studying at a university or
  • you have completed 180 ECTS credit points

by the time you start your studies at Ulm University.