Niessing lab
# shared first author - * shared corresponding author
Jansen, R.P. ; Niessing, D.
mRNA-Lokalisation: Wenn RNAs auf Reise gehen …
BioSpektrum 23, 510-512 (2017)
Schlundt, A. ; Buchner, S. ; Janowski, R. ; Heydenreich, T. ; Heermann, R. ; Lassak, J. ; Geerlof, A. ; Stehle, R. ; Niessing, D. ; Jung, K. ; Sattler, M.
Structure-function analysis of the DNA-binding domain of a transmembrane transcriptional activator.
Sci. Rep. 7:1051 (2017)
Vincendeau, M. ; Hadian, K. ; Messias, A.C. ; Brenke, J.K. ; Halander, J. ; Griesbach, R.A. ; Greczmiel, U. ; Bertossi, A. ; Stehle, R. ; Nagel, D. ; Demski, K. ; Velvarska, H. ; Niessing, D. ; Geerlof, A. ; Sattler, M. ; Krappmann, D.
Inhibition of canonical NF-κB signaling by a small molecule targeting NEMO-ubiquitin interaction.
Sci. Rep. 6:18934 (2016)
Janowski, R.#; Heinz, G.A.#; Schlundt, A.#; Wommelsdorf, N. ; Brenner, S. ; Gruber, A.R. ; Blank, M. ; Buch, T. ; Buhmann, R. ; Zavolan, M. ; Niessing, D.*; Heissmeyer, V.*; Sattler, M.*
Roquin recognizes a non-canonical hexaloop structure in the 3'-UTR of Ox40.
Nat. Commun. 7:11032 (2016)
Jansen, R.P. ; Niessing, D. ; Baumann, S. ; Feldbrügge, M.
mRNA transport meets membrane traffic.
Trends Genet. 30, 408-417 (2014)
Niedner, A. ; Müller, M. ; Moorthy, B.T. ; Jansen, R.-P. ; Niessing, D.
Role of Loc1p in assembly and reorganization of nuclear ASH1 messenger ribonucleoprotein particles in yeast.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 110, E5049–E5058 (2013)
Pfaff, J. ; Hennig, J. ; Herzog, F. ; Aebersold, R. ; Sattler, M. ; Niessing, D.* ; Meister, G.*
Structural features of Argonaute–GW182 protein interactions.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 110, 3770-3779 (2013)
Velvarska, H. ; Niessing, D.
Purification, crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of the globular domain of the human type V myosin Myo5a.
Acta Crystallogr. F-Struct. Biol. Cryst. Commun. 69, 1220-1223 (2013)
Velvarska, H. ; Niessing, D.
Structural insights into the globular tails of the human type V myosins Myo5a, Myo5b, and Myo5c.
PLoS ONE 8:e82065 (2013)
Walcher, T. ; Xie, Q. ; Sun, J. ; Irmler, M. ; Beckers, J. ; Öztürk, T. ; Niessing, D. ; Stoykova, A. ; Cvekl, A. ; Ninkovic, J. ; Götz, M.-L.
Functional dissection of the paired domain of Pax6 reveals molecular mechanisms of coordinating neurogenesis and proliferation.
Development 140, 1123-1136 (2013)
Aumiller, V. ; Graebsch, A. ; Kremmer, E. ; Niessing, D. ; Förstemann, K.
Drosophila Pur-α binds to trinucleotide-repeat containing cellular RNAs and translocates to the early oocyte.
RNA Biol. 9, 633-643 (2012)
Niessing, D.
RNA-binding proteins in fungi and their role in mRNA localization.
In: Lorković, Z.J.* [Eds.]: RNA Binding Proteins. Austin, TX: Landes Biosciences, 2012.