Academic staff

Name, title (position)Phone +49-(0)731-50-Fax +49-(0)731-50-RoomWebpage
Herwig, Annika Dr.  Prof. Dr. 2263022629M25/5205Link
Diedrich, Victoria, Dr.2268522629M25/5212Link
Mader, Wolfgang, Dr. 22629M25/5211 
Hladik, Janina, PhD candidatec/o 2263122629  
Dreher, Maria, PhD candidate2263222629M25/5210 
Wolf, Harald, Prof. d.D. 2268722629M25/5215Link
Ehret, Günter, Prof. emc/o 22631  Link

How to find us

Ulm University
Institute of Neurobiology
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
M25 - Niveau 5
89081 Ulm, Germany
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