Research Group Mizaikoff

Prof. Dr. Boris Mizaikoff
Room: N26/304
Phone: +49 731 50-22750

Head of the Group

Curriculum Vitae


Polina Fomina
Room: N26/3109
Phone: +49 731 50-22759

PhD student
Research Group Mizaikoff

Michael Hlavatsch
Room: N26/331
Phone: +49 731 50-22756

PhD student
Research Group Mizaikoff

Advanced Sensing Techniques for Exhaled Breath Diagnostics

Amelie Huber
Room: N26/3101
Phone: +49 731 50-22789

PhD student
Research Group Mizaikoff

Sarah Klingler
Room: ZBF/1.51
Phone: +49 731 50-22720

PhD student
Research Group Mizaikoff

Multispectroscopic In-Situ Characterization of Photocatalyst Systems

Anika Kotyrba
Room: N26/331
Phone: +49 731 50-22756

PhD student
Research Group Mizaikoff

Dr. Sherman Lesly Jiokeng Zambou
Room: N26/330
Phone: +49 731 50-22766

Research Group Mizaikoff

Dr. Soumya Rajpal
Room: N26/330
Phone: +49 731 50-22766

Research Group Mizaikoff

Dr. Diellza Bajrami
Room: N26/3109
Phone: +49 731 50-23092

Research Group Mizaikoff

Patrick Krebs
Room: N26/3109
Phone: +49 731 50-22759

PhD student
Research Group Mizaikoff

Dr. Antoni Femenias Llaneras
Room: N26/3106
Phone: +49 731 50-23093

Research Group Mizaikoff

Dr. Lorena Díaz de León Martínez
Room: N26/302 and ZBF/1.51
Phone: +49 731 50-22777

Research Group Mizaikoff

Development and Application of Gas Sensors Systems and Orthogonal Spectroscopic Techniques For Exhaled Breath Diagnostics

Dr. Gabriela Flores Rangel
Room: N26/302
Phone: +49 731 50-22777

Research Group Mizaikoff

Andrea Teuber
Room: N26/330
Phone: +49 731 50-22766


PhD student
Research Group Mizaikoff
At the institute since November 2018

Dr. Lisa Walter
Room: N26/302
Phone: +49 731 50-22777

Research Group Mizaikoff

Ji-Young Yang

PhD student
Research Group Mizaikoff

Name Position Years in the group
Robert Stach PhD student  
Manuela Gast PhD student  
Vjekoslav Kokoric PhD student  
Mehmet Dinc PhD student  
Julian Haas PhD student  
Xiaofeng Wang PhD student  
Tamina Hagemann PhD student  
Erhan Tütüncü PhD student  
Yuan Hu PhD student  
Denise Riedel PhD student  
Matthias Schwenk PhD student  
Daniel Neubauer PhD student  
Markus Sieger PhD student  
Ángela I. López Lorente, PhD Postdoc,
Humbold Postdoctoral Fellow
Thomas Schädle PhD student 2011 - 2016
Bettina Pluhar PhD student 2010 - 2016
Elizabeth Ndunda PhD student 2012 - 2016
Florian Rauh PhD student 2010 - 2015
Bärbel Abt PhD student 2010 - 2015
Christian Müller PhD student 2010 - 2015
Corinna Frey PhD student 2009 - 2014
Daniel Neubauer PhD student 2008 - 2014
Florian Meier PhD student 2009 - 2013
Stefan Eppler PhD student 2010 - 2013
Xiaofeng Wang PhD student 2008 - 2013
Wilhelm Bohr, PhD Postdoc, 
NanoMed Initiative UUlm
2011 - 2013
Elena Hecht PhD student 2008 - 2012
Seong-Soo Kim, PhD Visiting scientist 2010 - 2012
Christoph Schmidtkunz PhD student 2008 - 2011
Melanie Haugg
Now: Dr. Ehrenstorfer GmbH, Augsburg, Germany
PhD student 2008 - 2011
Ulrich Reuter, PhD
Now: retired 
Senior research scientist 2008 - 2010
Christina Young
Now: U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Rockville (MD), USA
Formerly: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta (GA), USA
PhD student 2005 - 2009
Seong-Soo Kim, PhD
Now: School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Tech, Atlanta (GA), USA
Research scientist 2007 - 2009
Heungjoo Shin, PhD
Now: Assistant Professor at School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science & Technology (UNIST), Ulsan, South Korea
Postdoc 2006 - 2008
Liqun Wang 
Now: Postdoc at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta (GA), USA
PhD student 2003 - 2008
Martin Brucherseifer, PhD
Now: Siemens North America, Norcross (GA), USA
Research scientist 2004 - 2008
Gary Dobbs 
Now: ExxonMobil Corporation, Fairfax (VA), USA
PhD student 2002 - 2007
Shuting Wei 
Now: Bayer Healthcare, Berkeley/Richmond (CA), USA
PhD student 2003 - 2007
Jean-Francois Masson, PhD
Now: Assistant Professor at University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada
Postdoc 2005 - 2007
Nicola Menegazzo, PhD
Now: Postdoc at University of Delaware, Newark (DE), USA
PhD student
2002 - 2007
Carla Riccardi
Now: Department of Technology Chemistry and Biochemistry, São Paulo State University, São Paulo, Brazil
Postdoc 2006
Christy Charlton  
Now: Dublin City University, Dublin, Irland
PhD student 2002 - 2005
Douglas Rudolph 
Now: Accura, Analytical Laboratory Inc., Norcross (GA), USA
M.Sc. student 2002 - 2005
Alexandra Molinelli, PhD
Now: Research scientist at University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna Department, IFA-Tulln, Tulln, Austria
Postdoc 2004 - 2005
Bruce Thompson
Now: Merck and Co., West Point (PA), USA
PhD student 2001 - 2004
Angelika Kueng, PhD
Now: European Sales Manager at Thorlabs, Munich, Germany
Postdoc 2001 - 2004
Manfred Karlowatz
Now: Director OEM Sales
, Sales Manager at Coherent
, Germering, Germany
PhD student 2001 - 2004
Markus Janotta
Now: Sales Engineer at Attocube Systems AG, 
Munich, Germany
PhD student 2000 - 2004
Frank Vogt, PhD
Now: Assistant Professor at University of Tennessee, Knoxville (TN), USA
Postdoc 2001 - 2003
Neil Pennington
Now: National Laboratory Center
, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB), Ammendale (MD), USA
M.Sc. student 2000 - 2003
Lubos Hvozdara, PhD
Now: Alpes Lasers SA, 
Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Postdoc 2000 - 2002