Research Group Kranz

apl. Prof. Dr. Christine Kranz
Room: N26/305
Phone: +49 731 50-22749
Associate Editor of Bioelectrochemistry
Head of the group
Founded projects
The Cluster of Excellence POLiS investigates new battery materials and technology concepts for efficient and sustainable storage of electrical energy. The Cluster aims at developing electrode materials and electrolytes that allow for sustainable systems based on Sodium, Magnesium, Calcium, Aluminium, and Clorine ions. Major obstacles for the development and use of post-lithium systems and thus the legitimation for our research are:
- Low ionic mobility in solids and liquids,
- Lack of well-designed materials interfaces with suitable charge transfer properties,
- Degradation of active materials and electrolyte, and
- Lack of reversibility of charge- and discharge processes.
Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany’s Excellence Strategy - EXC 2154

CataLight explores the controlled linkage of molecular light-driven catalytic units with hierarchically structured soft matter matrices to convert solar radiation into chemical reactivity. Our teams will develop molecular light-driven chromophores and catalysts, and establish concepts for their integration into soft matter matrices. Hierarchical nanostructuring into membranes, colloids, and thin films will give unprecedented control over substrate and product transport, and will be used to tune catalytic self-regulation, stimuli-responsiveness and triggered repair. In-depth experimental and theoretical studies will provide fundamental insights into the mechanisms which govern catalytic reactivity and stability. CataLight will therefore establish general design concepts for light-driven molecular catalysts in soft matter matrices.
Sonderforschungsbereich Transregio (SFB/TRR) 234 "CataLight"
Founded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - project number 364549901

Biofilms, communities of microorganisms that attach and grow on a solid surface, cause about 80% of infections in humans, and disinfectants rarely succeed in destroying them. They cost European economy billions of euros annually. The BREAK BIOFILMS Training Network aims to solve this issue by training the next generation leaders. They will understand the (bio)physicochemical mechanisms of biofilm formation, be able to produce technology for detecting and identifying biofilm formation with extreme sensitivity, and develop next generation biocides for preventing and destroying biofilms in industrial and biomedical areas.
Grant Agreement number: 813439
The PULMOSENS Research Training Group is dedicated to develop innovative sensory methods contributing to a fundamental understanding of processes at the lung epithelium as well as at the whole organ under physiological and pathophysiological conditions.
The novel sensing approach are used for in vivo and in vitro experiments. The focus is on improving sensitivity and spatial resolution, achieving multimodality and developing unique measurement techniques for lung epithelium studies to elucidate mechanisms at the molecular, cellular and at the level of the whole organ. The development and application of new methods for the investigation of epi- and endothelial cell models, as well as investigations on the intact organ are a central research focus in PULMOSENS.
Graduiertenkolleg (GRK) 2203 founded by the DFG