12. September 2023 Welcome Kathrin! Ulm University 09/14/2023 Ulm UniversityWe are happy to welcome Kathrin Schwer as a new Bachelor student in our group. Previous article Articel published showing the coupling of a single Germanium vacancy in a nanodiamond to a Fabry-Perot microcavity Our article discussing the coupling of a single, negatively charged Germanium vacancy in a nanodiamond to a microcavity has been published in the… published at: 03. August 2023 Next article Preprint on the initalization of the spin state of a resonator coupled SiV- uploaded on arXiv. In the preprint "All-Optical Spin Initialization via a Cavity Broadened Optical Transition in On-Chip Hybrid Quantum Photonics", we demonstrate the… published at: 14. September 2023
Articel published showing the coupling of a single Germanium vacancy in a nanodiamond to a Fabry-Perot microcavity Our article discussing the coupling of a single, negatively charged Germanium vacancy in a nanodiamond to a microcavity has been published in the… published at: 03. August 2023
Preprint on the initalization of the spin state of a resonator coupled SiV- uploaded on arXiv. In the preprint "All-Optical Spin Initialization via a Cavity Broadened Optical Transition in On-Chip Hybrid Quantum Photonics", we demonstrate the… published at: 14. September 2023