16. January 2023 Welcome, Jana! Ulm University 01/16/2023 Ulm UniversityWe are happy to welcome Jana as a new PhD candidate in our group.Jana Meles has joined our group as PhD candidate in January 2023. We are happy to have you and wish you a great start! Previous article Book chapter on hybrid quantum nanophotonics published. We published a chapter discussing the integration of color centers in nanodiamonds in Silicon Nitride-based photonics in the book "Progress in… published at: 25. November 2022 Next article Preprint on a hybrid, fiber-coupled, single-photon device published on arXiv. We published our preprint on a hybrid quantum emitter device based on single-photon emitters coupled via a nano-antenna to a fiber. published at: 23. March 2023
Book chapter on hybrid quantum nanophotonics published. We published a chapter discussing the integration of color centers in nanodiamonds in Silicon Nitride-based photonics in the book "Progress in… published at: 25. November 2022
Preprint on a hybrid, fiber-coupled, single-photon device published on arXiv. We published our preprint on a hybrid quantum emitter device based on single-photon emitters coupled via a nano-antenna to a fiber. published at: 23. March 2023