646. Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Seminar
Gravitational decoherence
Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, 26 - 28 June 2017
Scientific organizers: Albert Roura, Rainer Kaltenbaek and Magdalena Zych
This seminar is generously funded by the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation.

Scientific background
The field of gravitational decoherence comprises a broad range of activities in theoretical and experimental physics which explore the nature of gravitational phenomena and how they affect quantum systems, and investigate the role played by gravity in the emergence of classical physics from the laws of quantum mechanics.
The 646. WE Heraeus Seminar on "Gravitational decoherence" will review the major research directions in this field through invited talks, poster presentations and discussions organised around the following themes:
- Gravity-motivated modifications to quantum mechanics:
- intrinsic collapse models,
- Schrödinger-Newton equation,
- theory- and device-independent tests of post-quantum theories.
- Standard quantum effects from:
- curved classical spacetime backgrounds,
- perturbative quantum gravity,
- quantum cosmology,
- relational approaches to the notions of space and time.
- Experimental tests of the new theories and gravitational effects with:
- laser interferometry and gravitational-wave detectors,
- matter-wave interferometry,
- quantum optomechanics,
- hybrid interferometric and optomechanical set-ups,
- particle-physics detectors.
The Seminar will particularly focus on the motivations behind the various theoretical paradigms, their expected outcomes and on clarifying what can be learned about the foundations of quantum and gravitational physics from current and future experiments.
Structure of the Seminar
The research topics on gravitational decoherence will be reviewed by the invited talks and contributed posters. There will be two discussion sessions, focused on the conceptual and technological challenges of the field. The poster session will be introduced by short poster flashes, and a prize will be awarded to the best 3 posters.
The number of participants, in addition to the invited speakers, is limited to 50 — the selection will be based on the information provided in the application form. For the accepted participants board and lodging is generously provided by the WE Heraeus Foundation. The application deadline has been extended till 26 May 2017.